#6556 – Rock River Trail, Rock Lake – September 4, 2016
Write-up: Deb Roberts
Leader: Deb Roberts
Co-Leader: Meg Higgerson
Our hike in to Rock River was around 6 miles. There were hills, rocks and mud. And although the trail doesn’t have a lot of markers, it is still fairly easy to follow.
Eight seasoned tramps sashayed out to the river bank, where we sat on rocks along the side of the riverbed.
The water was pretty low! Bugs were scarce, though some of us in skirts, saw more than others…all that exposed tender flesh!
Meg made some awesome molasses cookies, which we gladly chomped on after our sandwiches. I’ll blame my fast hiking speed coming back out, on the sugar in the cookies!!
Once we finished this trail, we decided to go down the road to the Rock Lake trailhead and see what this lake was all about. It was a short .5 mile to the lake. It is larger than you would think with great views of Blue and Dun mountains. A great time was had by all.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the leader, yours truly, almost lost her boots when she missed a bypass trail and stepped into mud up to her ankles. The sucking sound reverberated off the mountain tops!!!! Eh, what’s a little mud!