Nearby sightsNearby sightsHinton restaurantHinton dogwoodsPipestem Falls Sandstone Falls from overlookNew River Gorge upper bridgeNew River Gorge upper bridgeThe old bridge over New RiverView of the old bridgeThe Oak RestaurantThe Oak RestaurantView from The Oak propertyQuilts of Monroe CountyQuilts of Monroe CountyQuilts of Monroe CountyQuilts of Monroe CountyQuilts of Monroe CountyQuilts of Monroe CountyThurmond – New River GorgeOnce a bustling railroad townThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThurmond – New River GorgeThe Green Briar Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.The Green Briar Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. The ballroomThe Green Briar Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Yes, there was a phone in the bathroom!