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Category: 2011

7583 French’s Vly
January 11, 2025

7583 French’s Vly
January 11, 2025

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Kevin Perez

After several Tramp cancellations due to being sick, five were left standing.  We started off breaking trail, snowshoeing in about 3’ of snow, all uphill. 

Once we got off trail, it got a little easier with less snow in the woods.  Having no wind made the temp hovering around 24 a great day to be out.  We hit the destination of Frenchs Vly.  The Vly and woods were picturesque with the snow.   

We made a loop back to the South Branch.  The suggestion of walking along the South Branch back to the car wasn’t the best idea.  It seems like the winter excursions with Paul sees someone going in the drink, and this time it was me.  Fortunately, it was only about two feet of water and about ½ mile from the car.  All in all, fantastic day!

7582 “Sneak up on the Eagle”
January 5, 2025

7582 “Sneak up on the Eagle”
January 5, 2025

Write-up: Meg Higgerson

Leader: Meg Higgerson

Co-Leader: Sharon Heyboer

Its been snowing for days!  The windchill is bitter.  There are State of Emergency Warnings flashing across the TV screens of those who are smart enough to stay inside.

In spite of this, fourteen of us decided to venture out. On the schedule it was listed as an EASY WALK.  Nope!  The day before, it was changed to moderate. Throughout this rather icy and often snowy hike to the Eagle, it didn’t matter what direction we went in: the wind came straight at us giving us all “winter facials “ whether we wanted one or not!! 

All were invited back to the Higgerson’s where we enjoyed chili and cornbread prepared by chefs Heyboer and Higgerson!

7580 New Year’s Day
January 1, 2025

7580 New Year’s Day
January 1, 2025

Write-up: Leader: Jim Wasielewski

Leader: Jim Wasielewski

Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

How do the Tramps celebrate New Year’s?  12 hours later with a 5-mile hike and regular and high-test bubbly, jello shots, cookies, music and a ball drop.

Club president Greg was in charge of the ball drop and he executed it perfectly.

Thanks to all who attended and to Debby Waz for some of the photos.

7577 Pitch Pine Bog
December 22, 2024

7577 Pitch Pine Bog
December 22, 2024

Write-up: Kevin Perez

Leader: Kevin Perez

Co-Leader: Paul Sirtoli

16 adventurous Tramp & Trail members turned out to brave the cold temps – (a balmy 9 degrees) to hike 3.6 miles at Pitch Pine Bog.  No complaints but plenty of fun was had on this sunny day.  Three hikers stayed to add more miles, and 7 of us stopped by Dematteos for food and drink

7573 Panther Mountain
December 14, 2024

7573 Panther Mountain
December 14, 2024

Write-up: Kevin Perez

Leader: Kevin Perez

Co-Leader: Peter Franz

Six Tramps enjoyed the beautiful snow-covered trees, majestic views, and friendly banter on a cold and sunny day. With only a couple inches of snow and numerous icy spots on the trail, we wisely chose micro-spikes over snowshoes for the climb.  While lack of snowshoes led us to forgo bushwhacking Echo Cliffs to Panther summit (after trudging through a couple hundred yards of deep off-trail snow), all agreed that the hike was still great – and that we should revisit that bushwhack in fair-weather months. 

The deep snow at the cliffs did provide a great snow-angel opportunity!

A thanks to Darlene for lending Terry her spare micro-spike (a fun story why she carries a spare) after Terry lost hers on the ascent. And a shout out to Peter Franz for his “leave no trace” attitude during our descent – he searched for and found the lost crampon!  And a “you go girl” to Deb for busting Peter’s chops on numerous occasions despite not knowing him well (our collective encouragement helped)!
I had a moment of insanity on the descent when I climbed a large rock, with a little help from my friends, and did a bare-chested proclamation (I’ll spare you that picture).
And thanks to Pete for his superb co-leading and sound judgment.

7572 Moss Island
December 8, 2024

7572 Moss Island
December 8, 2024

Write-up: Paul Sirtoli

Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Co-Leader: Ron Carvin

Known to rock climbing enthusiasts throughout the Mohawk Valley, and named after the sphagnum moss that carpets “Moss” Island, our troupe of seven saw no green while tramping through 5-inches of packable snow.  Our co-leader guide, Ron, did a marvelous job instructing and pointing out to his elder students the numerous kettle holes, the metamorphic rock, Black Tupelo trees, and a unique vernal pool generally indigenous to the Adirondacks.

One of the highlights on our sojourn was discovering an almost perfect replica of a prominent human facial profile “carved” at the top of one of the climbing walls.  Note that Peter tried to imitate the steely, grizzled look of the hardened man. We’ll let the reader decide if Pete measures up to that debonair gaze. Give him credit for trying.  

7568 Great Bear Springs
November 24, 2024

7568 Great Bear Springs
November 24, 2024

Write-up: Lisa Robertson

Leader: Lisa Robertson

Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

19 Tramps registered, 13 showed at trailhead parking lot, whereupon 3 wisely – and immediately – opted out, without ever exiting their warm, dry car. 10 of us set out on trail, cheerfully assuming the unrelenting rain would (must?) stop any moment. As it turned out, we were lucky it didn’t, because we had the usually heavily trafficked trails all to ourselves!

The constant cold, soaking rain kept us clean, even through a few muddy patches, and prevented us from overheating. Win-win! Despite all these fine weather benefits, somewhere around the 3/4 mark, the group was becoming eager to cross the finish line. Thankfully, at this point  Joe broke out his stash of leftover Halloween candy, which gave us the energy push we needed to continue on. After another mile, upon seeing a short-cut to the parking lot, the group rebellion was in full swing & we made a bee-line to our cars, skipping the last 1-mile section of the 10K loop. Shockingly, no one was anxious to stay for the additional 5K loop offered. Thank you Bobbie for co-leading, & all the intrepid Tramps for joining me on a rainy day adventure!

7564 East Pond
November 16, 2024

7564 East Pond
November 16, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Tom Smith

On a beautiful day, five of us decided to explore East Pond. The group covered 9.5 miles, enjoying the scenery along the way. A notable highlight of the trip was the newly constructed bridge over the beaver pond, which added a unique feature to their journey.  We didn’t have to reroute nor get wet.  There’s also a future hike in the works to search for the Mica Mine just past Blackfoot Pond.  

7560 Pine Mountain Summit
November 9/2024

7560 Pine Mountain Summit
November 9/2024

Write-up: Dave Rockwood

Leader: Dave Rockwood

Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastwood

We had a group of five on this hike billed as 9 miles.  Paul, the original hike leader could not make it for medical reasons, so we picked up the torch and did the hike for him.  The trailhead toward Pine Mountain (Castle Rock/Upper Sargent Pond) is on the north shore of Blue Mountain Lake (near Minnowbrook Conference Center).  There is no trail up Pine Mountain.

We had a cool, clear day, it was spectacular!  We passed the trails to Castle Rock and we told ourselves that we could get it on the way back.  We left the trailhead at 9:00, followed the trail for 2-3 miles and then headed up Pine Mountain.  We reached the main summit by 11:00, and then hit the second summit and then headed down to Pine Pond which is south of the summit – and further from the trail we came in on.  We got to the pond by 12:30 and had lunch, it was beautiful there.

The sky was very blue and the pond was fairly calm.  We ate our lunch and then headed back to find the trail for Upper Sargent Pond to kick out on.  Due to the terrain we ended up close to Upper Sargent Pond, so we had about 4 miles to hike out after several miles of bushwhacking.

We found the trail and headed out, we came to the first trail to Castle Rock, it was ~2:45 – with 2 miles to go, or so.  We discussed, none of us really wanted another climb up at that point, so we headed back on the more level trail out.  Paul would be disappointed in us, lol.  We were out by 3:45 PM, with an 11.5 mile hiking distance.

Some highlights of the hike, summit boulders, large rocks that looked like they were split by fallen trees, Pine Lake was beautiful, and we saw a large salamander in the clear water.  We found some deep mossy areas near the top of the mountain that were around 8” deep in moss.

7557 Wilder Vly
November 2, 2024

7557 Wilder Vly
November 2, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Fourteen signed up for the 3rd attempt at the Vly, four backed out.  Even on the schedule to co-lead, the Sirtoli name rings reluctance with many, not knowing that many of us are students of his “improved hiking” teachings.  Today, instead of his 20% addition rule to distance, it was a modest 10%.

We started off the hike with Tom spilling the tea, and not the metaphor, he really spilled the tea.  Opening his trunk, tea was all over everything.  Not the way to start a hike. 


The trail to Hurrell Brook was muddy.  Once at the brook, the two feet of water had us recalculate the route.  Dave bushwhacked a detour around the water, getting us back to the trail on the other side.  Another couple of miles on the trail, it was time to veer off and make our way to the Vly. We got there despite the boggy, wet conditions.  

At the Vly, the cool, sunny turned into a brief snow shower, making it picturesque.  On the way out we took another detour at the brook, over a mtn. and that is where it got interesting.  A member of the group thought it was a good idea to go up a little further. Totally my fault.  A couple of minutes later, it got real.  We lost them.  Yelling and whistling got no response. We spread out, making our way to the trail.  Everyone was nervous.  We found them on the trail which was a great relief. They used their GPS to make their way to the trail.  SAR’s was about 10 minutes from receiving a satellite text message. The day ended well, putting in 12 miles.  A reminder to always stay with the group and carry a GPS, map and compass.

Guess who got lost in the woods?