Bicycling in Ireland (1986)
A favorite theme of earlier Tramp outings is the perseverance exhibited and
energy exerted in their outings. This excerpt exemplifies these traits:
“Shannon Airport to Limerick. The bikes had been taken apart on Mallory Road
and packed in cartons. Carry carton to plane, plane carries carton to Shannon,
rassle carton on to the bus. Bus carton to Limerick, another bus to Limerick Junction.
Baggage car to Mallow, tote across tracks to train for Killarney.
At last the bikes carry us instead of the other way around.”
At least their work was well rewarded. In addition to the “beautiful ocean shore, sheer cliffs, rocks being sprayed with the roaring surf, and an ancient ruin,” in one hotel, every room had a little bottle of Bailey’s Irish cream!
Connors, 2017
Source: Peter Pliniski, 1966-1991 Yearbook