N. Brookfield
Q News – April 15, 2020
N. Brookfield

Russ and Dianna went exploring – at socially acceptable distances – through the little-traveled trails in Russell Park. We entered the park via the quite steep and slippery-with-mud Bullion Trail. Leaving the more popular Horseshoe Trail, we went via the swampy Bunny Trail, then up into the hills where we took the Bushwhack Trail (not really a bushwhack as the trail is quite easy to follow) and then joined back further along the Bunny Trail. Right before the Bunny Trail joins back to the Horseshoe Trail, we took a right turn to the Eagle Trail. This trail goes through a wet, marshy area before it begins the steep climb up the hill to an area where you would more properly expect eagles to be soaring. From there the trail winds up and down hills with some steep wooded ravines along the sides. Eventually we made our way back to the upper end of the Horseshoe Trail and wandered down that trail to the Apex Trail – a quite steep, but short, trail that takes one back to the upper end of the Horseshoe Trail and on to one of the park’s pavilions. From there we made our way out to the roadway, crossed back into the woods and followed a semi-trail down to the cemetery and then back out to the Central Valley HS.
We enjoyed watching chipmunks scampering about and found some sharp-lobed hepaticas – aka liverleaf due to the shape of its leaves – one of the earliest of the spring ephemerals to bloom in northern forests. We also spotted mayapples (Podophyllum peltatum– aka Ground Lemon or Mandrake) just beginning to make them selves known if you look carefully. This is an interesting plant as the entire plant is toxic – except for the fruit that appears in late June or early July – the fruit makes a yummy jam.
Total hiking distance was 6.2 miles.
Trying to find the “Path less traveled,” Mandy and I went to Dexter Lake today.
There were five cars in the parking area but we were the only ones signed in going to Dexter. There was quite a bit of snow still on the ground. Almost could’ve used snowshoes in a couple of places. It was beautiful and peaceful to sit and enjoy the lake.
Put in 8.4 miles on the NCT/Link trails on April 4. Although we missed the good company of our T&T friends, there was enough mud, unplanned bushwhacking, interesting sights, and treacherous stream crossings to qualify as a Tramp adventure.
We are determined to complete the NCT 2020 100 mile challenge by the end of the month. Special bonus this year – ALL miles walked in April count toward the challenge.
Sally and Jeff
Greetings from Stoney Pond! Putting in the miles and geocaching locally while reliving great Tramp adventures and asking at every trail junction – WWBOGD – what would Bobbie or George do? Have only gotten lost once (this week)…
Sally and Jeff Steele
Hi Tramps,
My husband, dog Rosie and I went to Stone Hill Quarry Sculpture Park today. We roamed around and caught part of the NCT (North Country Trail) which if taken the distance would land one in Canastota. We discovered other sections of the park which we had not seen before. There are some beautiful views from the several vistas at the park.
Stay Healthy and grateful!
Sharon H
Day 6 of quarantine. Went for a walk while they were doing work on my car. These are pics of the walking path that goes from McCraith’s beverages to the old Ramada Inn – Jim took you all on it sometime in the last year.
After the Halloween flood, I thought it was the bridge that was out, but the flood totally erased part of the path! You can still get from one end to the other, but have to go almost thru the woods at one point. It was amazing to see what the power of water can do, and from such a little stream.
The birds were out tho’ and at one point the spring peepers, my fav sign of spring, were very vocal. It was a beautiful day for a walk. Then Mary Pat and I walked her triangle that we did that one New Year’s Eve – keeping our distance by walking on opposite sides of the road. Just didn’t want to go in! Hope you are all well and keeping in touch by phone, facetime or Zoom. Miss everyone!
Lu Blanchard
Flock of birds along Valley View that didn’t get the social distancing alert.
Bobbie Scarpino
Saw these on the switchbacks today. Do you follow the toes or the arrows???
Bobbie Scarpino
We hiked the hill first and then tried skiing one last time. Good as long as we didn’t stop. Then stuck like crazy.NV and PD
Signs of spring; hikers and a 1905 old bridge support being reused on a new Creek bridge on the newer part of the trail toward Little Falls. Nice day in the sunshine with socially distant Tramps.
Dianna Morris
A small group of us met Sunday, March 22, to walk the Canalway Trail from Old Herkimer Church, off of Rt. 5S, towards Little Falls, while keeping well beyond the recommended social distancing. Flat, easy walk with each choosing the distance we wanted to go. All of us went past the lock and then some before turning around, so minimum was 7 miles. We encountered a few others on the trail, also practicing social distancing.
Bobbie Scarpino
L. and I hiked 5 miles today in nice sunny conditions. Trail was icy and snow-covered and we needed poles and microspikes. Going out the snow was hard but later turned mushy. There’s our group photo, some major blowdown and a lot of small blowdown. Saw a couple of other hikers but kept our distance. For the most part nobody on the trail. Went by Pixley Falls, crowded with people as was the Griffiss hiking parking lot and the Oriskany Erie Canal lot. It was nice to do a hike different than around our house, however it was kind of boring without the Tramps.
The Waz’s
Hi Everybody.Took a nice hike today on Kane Mtn. then Nine Corner lake.
Beautiful sunshine and a bit icy.
P. Gwynn
A. and I hiked to Middle Settlement lean-to today. We went to an old favorite by means of a new route. We went in via Copper Lake Rd. There was some crusty snow in the morning and by afternoon it warmed up enough to become slushy. The beavers have been very busy cutting down trees. There were many fresh-downed trees. We passed a couple with a dog going to Pine Lake. Sitting in the sun at the lake was very relaxing. A good day!
S. Kaelin
We hiked up the ski slope and did the loopbacks. Nice sunny day but were surprised at how few people were out.
The Fellows
Patricia Durnin and I finally found the waterfall just off Bailey Rd outside of Waterville.It’s up the hill behind my house.N. Vleer