July 25, 2020
7011 – Kunjamuk/Elm Lake
July 25, 2020

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: George Fogg
Co-Leader: Phyllis Rooney
Twelve of us hiked the old railroad bed for 5 miles. Another hot and humid day. Saw some old Roman arches and viaducts. They really got around.
Thanks to George, Phyllis and Rebecca for a nice hike.
More photos here
Write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Greg Sipp
Eleven of us hiked 7 miles under hot, humid, hilly, muddy and horse manure conditions. It actually wasn’t that bad because we were in the shade most of the time and the bugs were almost nonexistent, plus we enjoyed an after-hike happy hour at Bobbette’s.
Thanks to Bobbette and Greg for leading an enjoyable hike.
More photos here
Write-up: Dianna Morris
Leader: Dianna Morris
Co-Leader: Russ Myers
The decision was made to shorten this hike down, mostly to avoid the people who normally hike/bike on the first, narrower part of the trail from Herkimer to the Ft Herkimer church. So, we began from the church and headed eastward. We were a small group of six which made it easy for us to get out of other walker/runner’s way as we passed each other. We walked along the paved trail at a leisurely pace and took a rest on some boulders when we reached the lock at 2.1 miles from where we began.
The next stage took us along where the trail is being remade to go to Little Falls and we passed all the construction mess and turned off onto the older trail and walked through the muddy areas. At the junction where the old trail rejoins the newer trail, Mike and Janice Huss opted to head back. The rest of us continued on for another mile before turning back. Kathleen Spencer got a lesson in what it means when a leader says they are only going a short distance further, but she did an excellent job keeping up with the rest of us!
Seven tramps hiked the partially-developed trail between Herkimer and Little Falls. We started from the Old Stone Church and hiked on a beautiful trail for 2 miles, after that we ran into construction of the rest of the trail into LF. It was a nice break from the asphalt and into the shade. Thanks to Dianna and Russ for leading the hike. Jim Wasielewski
More photos at here
Write-up: Dianna Morris
Leader: Dianna Morris
Co-Leader: Russ Myers
The morning started off with rain and quite humid. Most of the six of us carried our umbrellas on the hike – it was way too hot to don rain gear.
We walked 1.5 miles on sidewalks and roads to where Spinnerville Gulf Rd was closed off years ago due to flooding. After swinging ourselves around the gate along the creek edge, we hiked another ½ mile along the flood-damaged roadway to the turn off to the falls. All along the road we listened to the babbling of the creek and got to enjoy many mini-falls.
The last ½ mile in to the falls was a rocky, wet trail…again accompanied with the music of the creek alongside us. Finally, we reached the bend and there were the falls – and despite the weeks of dry weather, there was water still coming over the falls. Four of us continued up the creek bed to the base of the falls where the falls’ mist was refreshingly cooling.
Then it was about face and return to where the cars were parked. We walked a bit faster on the way back out – firstly because it was mostly downhill, but also because the humidity and increasing heat had brought the black flies and deerflies out in hoards! We were happy to get back on to the roads and sidewalks and leave the bugs behind!
Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Jerry Stewart
Co-Leader: Lori Waterman
So how did the St Lawrence weekend go? Great time naturally!
Braving overcast skies and the threat of rain over the weekend 6 went out from Emil’s for Saturday’s paddle. Light sprinkle at first and overcast for a few hours in the morning we went around Boldt castle and toured the Summerland group of islands. Emil even paddled backwards at times to narrate points of interest as we went! He’s very knowledgeable on the area and shared some of that with us.
After lunch he took us for a boat tour of millionaire row with a stop at a local favorite swimming spot which we partook of ourselves. Boats on the river aren’t like they are back home. As we were swimming Bill pointed out one pontoon boat that had a 300 hp outboard on back. The driver smiled and said, you can’t see the other one from where you are ?. Oh yeah, 600 ponies bolted to the back of that party platform! You’re in the big league up here. A stop at TI after for a local favorite, wine slushie and called it a night.
Sunday, 4 of us headed out from Cape Vincent for a bike around the lakeside. Small group, strong bikers, we went on the planned route plus some exploring as well. Mostly sunny skies and a sea breeze to keep us comfortable. We toured the area plus a few spots I’d been by when we got lost out there before. Better electronics and past memories kept us on track. I told them, this ride will take us to Hell and back.
Towards the end I showed them how it was not a joke. Check out the picture of the street sign. I changed my trip app part way thru which messed up the distance traveled. Lori and Renee concurred we had ridden 28 1/2 miles. Very enjoyable ride, great scenery. A stop at Coal Docks after for a bite. A great time was had by all.
More photos here
Write-up: Lu Blanchard
Leader: Lu Blanchard
Co-Leader: Margaret Decker
840 Trail was deemed too crowded to attempt with COVID-19 still creating havoc, so this hike was changed to the old Erie Canal Trail out of Oriskany trailhead on Rte. 69. The group was full of exuberance to have such a nice – albeit humid – day and since we took up almost the whole parking area, we didn’t see many others on the trail. We walked along enjoying the birds, turtles and plants. No one felt like stopping afterwards, except Margaret who really wanted her ice cream! Thanks Margaret for co-leading – glad you could make it (inside joke).
Write-up: Lu Blanchard
Leader: Lu Blanchard
This hike is turning into another Cotton Lake! The first time we attempted it the water was too high and no bridge. This time a bridge on the road to the trailhead was being repaired and to park before it would have added 4 miles to a 5 mile hike on a day expected to be in the 80s. Soooo, we took the Oregon Trail to North Bend with a side trip to Cod Pond, both of which were quite pretty. The weather turned out a bit cooler than expected and the breeze on the bridge at North Bend cooled us off while we ate a socially-distance lunch. Dianna and Bobbie saw a fawn the rest of us spooked as he/she left their hiding place under the witch hobble leaves. We also spotted a wood duck trying to lead us away from her nest by playing the injured wing game. I thought I had been to Cod Pond previously and was telling everyone how small it was, but, surprise – whatever I visited before was not Cod Pond. It was actually quite a large lake and really pretty.
Oxbow Inn was open so 4 of us stopped for a cold beer and camaraderie on the patio – socially-distanced as well. It was a hike where we almost felt normal again, took our time, chatted and protected each other whenever we came close by bringing our masks up. Really appreciated the conscientiousness of everyone. Thanks all, for a wonderful hike.
Write-up: Jim Wasielewski and Mary Pat (below)
Leader: Jim Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski
Jim W.
Kayaked yesterday 6 miles with a group of 10, in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.33. Windy, buggy and sunny. Saw an eagle and 2 loons. Masks and social distancing. a new normal for now.
Mary Pat
This was our first official hike back after NY on Pause. We have entered Phase 2 of opening the economy and have therefore started back to the usual hike schedule.
As virtually everywhere in the US, there have been some changes for us. Pre-registration is necessary so that hike leaders can keep the numbers to their liking. We are grateful for Jim and Lorrie and other hike leaders continuing during this uncertain time. Hike leaders are signing the clipboard for everyone, to avoid a group congregating and touching the same items.
This all being said, it was wonderful to get out on the water and to see friends. Sun was in and out, cool enough for cover-ups, but it was a great step toward normal.
A few of us stood near our cars at the Buffalo Head, and had drinks, toasting from afar. Not the same as our usual apres-hike activity, but it’ll do.
I took a second group out again on North Lake the following Tuesday. Some members had been shut out of Sunday’s paddle, so thought a “Part II” would pick up their spirits. Sorry Jim and Lorrie, but we had a PERFECT day.
With Phase II starting Monday, it was one more adventure before it’s back to work after two and half months of vaca. So a few of us hiked 17 miles to Woodhull Mt. heading to the fire tower with a quick stop at the Wolf Lake Landing on Woodhull Lake. The weather cooperated, being in the 70’s, the mosquitoes and flies weren’t terrible trying multiple natural repellents and the conversations were fantastic.
Greg S.