Committee: Lu Blanchard, Geoff and Donna Horan, Dianna Morris, Tom Smith and Tom O’Hara.
The presence of Covid-19 made for some major changes in our planning for the 30th HPW this year. First, we weren’t sure if the campground would even be open since they were still closed in mid-June, only 2 months ahead of our stay! Once we found they would be open we also found they had a limit on groups (following CDC guidelines) of under 25 people – far below our traditional 30-40 attendees. They assured us of their steps to maintain bathrooms, check-in and public areas and we decided to go ahead with the weekend, but with 20 campers all who had to be members – no family or friends this year.

With fewer campers, we decided to not use the large canopy, but only use EZ-Ups provided by members. We had 5 available, but you know who forgot the top to hers, AGAIN, so we used 4. There was quite a bit of ribbing over that and she who remains to be named will put the D…. top with the frame to be sure it never happens again!!!!! We also only had one tent cabin in the group site due to one of the usual campers not going- Mary Pat was in quarantine awaiting a new granddaughter- which left us just enough space for the number of tables, EZ-Ups and people present.

Thankfully, the weather was the best in years! No rain, warm days and cool, but not cold, nights and clear skies for great star-gazing. Hikers went to Avalanche Pass (led by Geoff and Donna), Wright and Phelps high peaks (on their own), Mt. Van Hoevenberg (led by Carolyn and Diana), and Marcy Dam (on their own).

Those on the “injured list” went kayaking at Second Pond Landing, experienced going through a lock and had a chance to jump in to take a swim in the river. They wanted to go to the farm that makes and sells ice cream, but could not remember how to get there. Eric and Tom remembered and took a drive to Wilmington to indulge in that creamy treat. Their description made our mouths water!

The food supplied by members was wonderful! Such variety and such good cooks and bakers! We had excellent chefs all weekend and Lynn found out she had a hidden talent as “blueberry plopper” while helping with Sunday’s breakfast! The camaraderie around the campfire and during meal preps was so great. We welcomed Ray & Lynn and Maureen to their 1stHPW – they think they’ll come back. ?
As co-chair, special thanks to my co-chairs, Donna & Geoff, and committee members – Dianna, Sir Tom, & Tall Tom and all the attendees who brought equipment, helped with everything and made it another fun and memorable weekend! We’re already looking forward to next year and our 100th anniversary of the Tramp & Trail Club.
PS- Everyone was informed that if they wanted to wear masks- or not wear masks- on our site there would be no judgement or questioning but to be mindful of other’s decision in that matter. As you will see in the pictures, much of the time we did not wear them, but had them handy to pull up when needed.
More photos here.