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Author: mconnors921

#6560 – Windham Peak – 9/17/16

#6560 – Windham Peak – 9/17/16

Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Co-Leader: Jerry Stewart

Six of us met at the meeting place and away we went. I’ve only been out that way a couple of times so it was pretty new to me. Beautiful views as you drive along.

On the way there, we decided to do a traverse instead of an up & back. We had 2 cars so that was a great option. That meant we all had to pile in one car for a short distance, we stuffed Carolyn in with the back packs.

TnT Windham Peak 9/17/16 Jerry

It’s been dry down that way so the trails were in great shape. It was about 7 miles. There are some great lookout points on the way, we stopped to take them in as we went. At one stop I was a little slow leaving and found myself left behind and 2 older ladies stopped by. I couldn’t understand them but I think Carolyn had sold me as their pack mule or something. What the heck! I escaped and caught up to my laughing partners. We heard them chanting off of the cliff, all I could think of was the old Godzilla movies where they had the 2 ladies calling Mothra.

TnT Windham Peak 9/17/16 Jerry

Once at the top for lunch while taking in the views, Tom spotted what was either a glider circling or an eagle. I said an eagle that size, it must be Mothra! You get the idea, there was much laughter and tomfoolery going on along the trail.

TnT Windham Peak 9/17/16 Jerry

We moved along pretty fast. The forest changed along the trail. Pines, then oak and maple. Dense sections and others pretty open. We stopped at a local establishment to scout future options. Cold brew and watched Carolyn harass a Canadian biker gang member. Many laughs there as well.

Those of you that are on the fence about hiking , you really need to lace those boots up and come along. It’s a diverse group, we had from age 33 to 60 something year olds with us. There is no redo in life, get out there and take it all in. We have great conversations hiking, you’ll never meet a better group of people. See you on the trail .

#6559 – Brookfield Horse Trails – September 11, 2016

#6559 – Brookfield Horse Trails – September 11, 2016

Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Jerry Stewart
Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman

Sixteen came out for the hike September 11, 2016. The weather cleared, the sun shone and a good time was had by all. 5.7 miles.
TnT Brookfield Horse Trails

This was my first time as a leader so I discovered new responsibilities I hadn’t thought of before. Clearing parts of the trail that have branches, berry bushes that grab you and the big one, you’re supposed to know where you’re going! I did for the most part, but did have to check the map in a few places.

TnT Brookfield Horse Trails
We found a nice spot and had lunch. Lori Waterman just completed her 5th hike so is eligible for membership. Being a smart woman, she baked cookies for everyone and is using these to schmooze them with food for the morals committee! Being associated with me isn’t going to help her! We stopped at the “Boro” after for a cold beverage. As luck would have it, they had free wings, sausage and other things to start the football season. Gotta love that. Getting back home it was either mow the lawn or take the Harley out… I wish all decisions in life were no-brainers like that.
Squeeze out every drop of summer while you can, you know what’s next…


#6556 – Rock River Trail, Rock Lake – September 4, 2016

#6556 – Rock River Trail, Rock Lake – September 4, 2016

Write-up: Deb Roberts
Leader: Deb Roberts
Co-Leader: Meg Higgerson

TnT Rock Lake

Our hike in to Rock River was around 6 miles. There were hills, rocks and mud. And although the trail doesn’t have a lot of markers, it is still fairly easy to follow.
Eight seasoned tramps sashayed out to the river bank, where we sat on rocks along the side of the riverbed.
TnT Rock Lake
TnT Rock Lake

The water was pretty low! Bugs were scarce, though some of us in skirts, saw more than others…all that exposed tender flesh!
TnT Rock Lake
Meg made some awesome molasses cookies, which we gladly chomped on after our sandwiches. I’ll blame my fast hiking speed coming back out, on the sugar in the cookies!!

Once we finished this trail, we decided to go down the road to the Rock Lake trailhead and see what this lake was all about. It was a short .5 mile to the lake. It is larger than you would think with great views of Blue and Dun mountains. A great time was had by all.
Oh, I forgot to mention, the leader, yours truly, almost lost her boots when she missed a bypass trail and stepped into mud up to her ankles. The sucking sound reverberated off the mountain tops!!!! Eh, what’s a little mud!

#6554 – Clockmill Pond and Rock Lake – August 28, 2016

#6554 – Clockmill Pond and Rock Lake – August 28, 2016

Write-Up: Richard Miller
Leader: Richard Miller
Co-leader: Louie Casatelli

The group left from Mapledale and drove Rts 365, 8, and 10 to Powley Road. We failed to find the trailhead on the first pass, but we were able to find it with the use of my GPS.

The weather was not quite so warm as it had been previously. I was worried that the day might be too hot for hiking. In addition to lower temperatures, there was a good breeze to keep body temperatures low.

We hiked from Powley Road to the junction of the two trails that were not marked. The first lake we visited was Clockmill Pd., which was less than a mile. Although trail markers have been posted, the trail was sometimes hard to follow. It was a good place to eat lunch as we could sit by the pond and absorb the breeze.

We then returned to the junction and headed for Rock Lake. This was a snowmobile trail and old road which was easy to follow. The trail passes by a small, unnamed body of water before reaching Rock Lake. There is no good direct access to the lake from the trail, so we bushwacked down to the vegetation-covered shore.

As we returned the day grew hotter and the hike was not so comfortable. The weather started to turn cloudy. We left without a mishap, however.

#6548 – Blueberry Trail Splash – August 14, 2016

#6548 – Blueberry Trail Splash – August 14, 2016

Write-Up: Deb Roberts
Leader: Deb Roberts
Co-Leader: Dianna Morris

On a sunny Sunday, August 14th 2016, eight Tramps took off down the Blueberry Trail.
TnT Catpaw Lake Shingle Mills Falls
And what was so unusual about this day? Why, there were 4 men and an equal number of women. That NEVER happens! We women always outnumber them. And so we took off over hill and dale. Oh yeah, and through our special blend of Adirondack mud.

To Catpaw Lake we went, and had a beautiful, peaceful lunch (Dick wasn’t there!)

TnT Catpaw Lake Shingle Mills Falls


On our return trip, we took a side spur to Shingle Mills Falls. The water was moving fast as it had rained just days before.
TnT Catpaw Lake Shingle Mills Falls

We explored the Falls and had one mishap as someone slipped on a rock. So we did have our splash after all! Thanks Mike!!
TnT Catpaw Lake Shingle Mills Falls


#6547 – Safford Pond – August 13, 2016

#6547 – Safford Pond – August 13, 2016

Write-up Sharon Kaelin
Leader: Sharon Kaelin
Co-Leader: Amanda Zdanowicz

So, it might not be the most prestigious award, but I think I’m a good contender for the hike with the least amount of people. Still, with the one tramp beside the leader and co-leader we set off in the pouring rain for our destination.
TnT Safford Pond
A stop at West Pond Falls, which usually has very little water going over was actually visible with the rain from the week. We went through puddles along the trail and the tall wet growth had our pants wet up to the hips. When the rain stopped we took off our ponchos but the sun coming out brought along with it the bugs. We made it to the pond for lunch, which was very picturesque.

While we were there, the skies turned gray again and thunder could be heard in the distance. Soon as we headed back, the skies opened up again and back on went the ponchos. A short time later the clouds moved out and back in with the sun so off came the ponchos and out came the bugs. When we got back to the car we had squishing boots and wet everything.

#6544 – High Peaks Weekend – August 5, 6, & 7, 2016

#6544 – High Peaks Weekend – August 5, 6, & 7, 2016

Write-up: Roger Felske
Leader: Roger Felske
Co-Leader: Dick Blanchard

The 26th Annual High Peaks Weekend (HPW) had a near record number of attendees this year with 43 Tramps, guests and relatives. The weather cooperated again this year with only one downpour and that was during the night. Unfortunately there was one casualty and that was Mark Huxtable who decided to sleep outside on the ground. A morning trip to the laundromat in Lake Placid solved that problem. Again this year, we filled three campsites and three tent cabins in addition to people getting their own campsites and others opting to stay in the Lodge.

High Peaks 2016

Once again, Dick Blanchard was like a maestro orchestrating the assembly of the canopy. This piece goes here, that goes there, and with as many as 15 – 20 Tramps, the canopy was raised in record time. Almost immediately thereafter Mary Pat Connors and Lu Blanchard had the “kitchen” area set up and ready to go in preparation for dinner at six.

It wasn’t long before one of the three picnic tables was covered with a large assortment of snacks, hors d’oeuvres, salads, entrees and desserts, while on the camp stoves, soups and vegetable chili were being warmed. One of the things the Tramps thoroughly enjoy is FOOD and we had some of the best. There was a side contest as to who made the best carrot cake, Grace McNasser or Tom Smith. Now I’m not sure where Tom got the idea he could compete with Grace, even though he claimed he used the same recipe that Grace had. My opinion is, Tom’s carrot cake looked more like the Leaning Tower of Pisa in a snowstorm, but that’s just me.

High Peaks 2016

The charcoal grill that worked well with smaller groups is now being passed on to a future garage sale in favor of a new gas stove similar to the one Dick has been using. To increase production we need an additional larger grill to meet demand for burgers, dogs and patties etc., a project for 2017.

After dinner the conversation always turns to, “what are the hikes for tomorrow?” This year several people elected to lead hikes and others decided to do hikes on their own. I felt like a proud parent when Gail Hannahs and Lois Chierichella decided to go on their first self- guided High Peaks hike to Cascade and Porter. Kids just grow up so fast! Not having any takers last year, Dick Blanchard was able to round up seven hikers to join him this year to summit Phelps Mountain, Dick’s seventh climb up Phelps. I led a group of eight including my granddaughter Carly Glenn up to Wright Peak. The weather stayed clear, so consequently we had a spectacular view of the surrounding High Peaks. Completing our climb, we were able to return to Heart Lake in plenty of time for cocktail hour and dinner.

High Peaks 2016

High Peaks 2016

Other groups climbed Mt Colden, hiked out of the Ausable Club to Beaver Meadow Falls, and some hiked up Redfield and Cliff. No casualties on this day – all returned safely although Nancy Coleman wore a little or a lot, depends on who you ask, Adirondack mud into camp. Oh those slippery logs.



High Peaks 2016 Beaver M Falls via West Trail

High Peaks 2016High Peaks 2016The weather was conducive for great campfires each night. 43 campers make for a BIG circle around the fire and guarantee a lot of tall tales until quiet hours. Bill Higgerson was up early Sunday morning preparing the coffee as sleepy-eyed Tramps slowly started to assemble for the traditional pancake, bacon and egg breakfast starting at 7:00 AM. This was a wee bit earlier than normal, but campground rules say we have to be out by 11:00am and this allowed for sufficient time to break camp and take the canopy down. I have booked the same campsites for next year, so mark your calendars for August 4, 5, and 6, 2017. It should be interesting because ADK is putting in new additional campsites and the road into that area will eliminate campsite 29 and one of the tent cabins will be moved. Our tent sites for 2017 will be 35, 36 and 37 and 3 tent cabins. No one seems to know exactly how this is going to work out at this time. A lot of necessary changes are in the works at the ADK Heart Lake Property and hopefully I’ll be able to resolve some parking issues as well.

Beaver Meadow Falls – High Peaks Weekend, 2016

Write-Up: Mary Pat Connors

The morning was thick with humidity after the night’s rains. I didn’t begrudge the weather, the Adirondacks needed the rain badly. This was very evident from the brown fairways of the area golf courses.

A small group of us set out from Heart Lake after seeing off the mountain climbers.
Our destination was St. Huberts, and the Ausable Club, to the trail for Beaver Meadow Falls. We made our way past parking areas along the way overbrimming with cars and hikers. Upon arrival all parking lots were full, and there was a long row of cars lining the road. The good news is that people are actively enjoying the High Peaks, the bad news was that this added over a mile to our hike.

We took the West trail rather than Lake Rd. This was a steady incline, though not a mountain it was fairly strenuous, and it followed alongside the Ausable River. The river was extremely low, again exhibiting the dry summer. It gave pause to wonder if there would be any falls to see at all. No fear, the first minor falls near a cross-over bridge was very pretty, and we stopped for photos there.

High Peaks 2016 Beaver M Falls via West Trail

Continuing on up, it was not long before we reached Beaver Meadow Falls, conveniently labeled as such for us. The falls were very picturesque, perhaps not as full as possible, but enough for a beautiful photo op.

High Peaks 2016 Beaver M Falls via West Trail
There was discussion on whether to continue on to Rainbow Falls, but this was voted down. By the time we returned via Lake Rd. we probably had hiked 9-9.5 miles and that was enough.

I would call this almost a perfect hike. Beautiful forest, babbling river, two waterfalls, two deer and a heron, and fun companions.

#6543 – Stony Pond – July 31, 2016

#6543 – Stony Pond – July 31, 2016

Write-up: Carolyn Eastman
Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino


Eleven crazy tramps went on a wet hike Sunday July 31st, 2016.
We took a 5-mile hike around Stony pond in Morrisville.

The rain did stop…once we got back to our cars….LOL.
And for those of you that say you will only walk in the rain when pigs fly,
take a good look at this picture, you just may have to join us next time.

We stopped at Rays BBQ for music and cocktails. Another great time with the tramps.

#6542 – Hinckley Point Park – July 30, 2016

#6542 – Hinckley Point Park – July 30, 2016

Write-up: Mary Lou Miller
Leader: Mary Lou Miller
Co-Leader: Ellen Myers

Ten of us did an easy-paced hike into the Point on Hinckley Lake. The weather was beautiful, the lake level was up and the bugs were nowhere to be found. Some went for a swim, while others enjoyed snacks and conversation.

New hikers were not sure about what to bring to share, so we had a delightful tailgate party on Stormy Hill Rd.

#6542 – Buffalo Head to Hawkinsville – July 30, 2016

#6542 – Buffalo Head to Hawkinsville – July 30, 2016

Write-up: Mary Pat Connors
Leader: Mary Pat Connors
Co-Leader: Roger Felske


The weather gods were with us, relieving us of the extreme heat of previous days.

The day began with temps in the sixties and with slightly overcast skies. From the Buffalo Head, we followed the route north on Lake Rd. to Kincaid to Horton. Here the traffic was very low and the peace enjoyable. Once we reached Route 28 however, there was much traffic zooming by, as expected on a Saturday in July. Fortunately there is a wide shoulder on this gradual but steady uphill to Woodgate.

After turning onto Woodgate Rd., several made pit stops in the Woodgate Library.

Traveling this hogsback of Woodgate/Hawkinsville Rd. is very enjoyable with a favorite downhill covering about a mile of curving shaded road.

We passed by the Hogsback State Forest, a part of the Adirondack Foothills Management Unit, which consists of six state forests and 21 detached parcels of Forest Preserve. “The majority of these State Forest lands were purchased in the early 1930’s, in an effort to reclaim poor, unproductive farm lands and prevent further serious soil erosion…Civilian Conservation Corps Camp S-122 was located where the DEC Maintenance Facility now is on the Hawkinsville Road, adjacent to Hogsback State Forest. From about 1935 to 1941, many young men planted trees, and built roads, bridges and fire lanes in the surrounding area.” (

TnT Hawkinsville 7/30/16We stopped at the Hawkinsville dam for a lunch/snack break, enjoying the shade and the running river water.

Hawkinsville Dam


TnT Hawkinsville 7/30/16

We continued on Edmonds Rd. past the put-in for the public fishing stream and followed along the Black River, a very picturesque part of the ride. Crossing the now-closed bridge on foot we then made the ascent up to Millers Woods Rd and back to Forestport and the Buffalo Head.

The Tramps have been very pleased to have the Buffalo Head re-opened so we can again enjoy some cold beverages there.