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Author: mconnors921

6615 – Auger Falls –
Sunday, March 12, 2017

6615 – Auger Falls –
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Write-up: Lu Blanchard
Leader: Lu Blanchard
Co-leader: Deb Roberts

They say if you work hard you will be rewarded and boy, on Sunday, we were.  Six hikers met at Mapledale on a morning when the temps were in the teens.  We carpooled to the back side of Auger Falls, off Rt. 8, and did a crunchy, squeaky hike into the falls.  Auger Falls was roaring and the trees below the falls were fully ice-encrusted forming a perfect backdrop for a couple of group pictures.  We poked around the ledges, trying to get a good view of the twisting, tumbling torrent, but couldn’t get too close to the edge because we were not sure where the edge was!  It may have been just snow-covered ice shelves and no one wanted to find out – thankfully.

The temps never got above 15 with a “feels like” factor bringing them to just above zero by the time we returned to the trail and continued to the flats.  Here the sun was shining and somewhat ameliorated the effects of the wind.  After a short stop to drink and grab a snack we returned to our cars.  Meg decided to head North to pick up some items at camp she needed for their upcoming cruise so Joan moved her gear to our car.  Deb, Gail, Joan and I walked to the end of the plowed road (at least to the big Private Property end) and then turned back.  We left the parking area and headed down Rt 8 to get lunch at the Oxbow Inn.  About 2 miles down the road Deb called out from the back seat, “Moose, Moose, Moose. Stop the Car! Stop the Car!”  I think if Dick hadn’t been able to pull over right then, she would have jumped out-maybe I would have followed!  We ran back up the road, leaving car doors open and phones/cameras in the car, and just as we got to the wooded area a moose poked her head out of the trees and looked us square in the face for about 10 seconds before stepping over the guardrails and taking off on the road in the other direction!  By now Joan had her phone on and we were able to get a couple of shots just before it rounded a bend in the road and went out of sight!

Woohoo!  This was the first ADK moose for all of us and we had much to celebrate about when we stopped for lunch.  We all reflected how if we hadn’t taken that walk down the road, the moose would not have started across the West Branch of the Sacandaga River and Deb would not have seen it at all.  How is that for timing!  So don’t be afraid to brave the elements; you never know what you may see!

6614 – Chenango Canal – March 11, 2017

6614 – Chenango Canal – March 11, 2017

Write-Up: Bobbie Scarpino
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman

On one of the coldest, windiest days of the winter, 14 hardy souls showed up to tramp along the towpath of the old Chenango Canal. This waterway was once the means of transporting goods between Binghamton and the Erie Canal in Utica. Now the original towpath has become a walking trail extending from Hamilton to a few miles north of Bouckville for a total of 7 miles.

We began our trek in Hamilton on a path blanketed by only an inch of snow that had fallen the night before. With the wind stinging our faces and taking our breath away, we made a beeline for the wooded part of the trail and headed north. The woods proved to be enough protection from the elements to warm us up. We were able to hike the 2 miles to the point where the towpath runs between the remnants of the canal on one side and the Woodman Pond National Wildlife Refuge on the other.

The hike was planned as a loop, but due to the chill factor, we thought it better to return the same way through the woods. We were able to continue an extra mile on the return by taking the old Utica, Clinton & Binghamton branch of the O & W railroad bed back into Hamilton, making our hike a total of 6 miles.

Everyone agreed that this hike would make a great x-c ski with a little more snow. Who would guess that less than a week later Winter Storm Stella would drop 40 inches of snow in this area!

In Tramp tradition we ended our hike with a stop at a local establishment. Soup, wings, meatloaf sandwiches with a craft brew were enjoyed at Ray Brothers BBQ.

6609 – Jackson Hill – February 20, 2017

6609 – Jackson Hill – February 20, 2017

Write-Up: John Gilbert
Leader: John Gilbert
Co-Leader: Charlene Zebley

Hike 6609 was supposed to have taken place at Carpenter Rd.
Our visit there to check things out encouraged us to abort those plans and move to the top of Jackson Hill. Actually from the thaw we had on Sunday followed by freezing temps on Monday conditions on Jackson Hill proved rather difficult. The groomed tracks were fast and it felt you were gliding on ice w/ little control. There were a number of falls and fortunately no serious boo-boos.

Most of the attendees met afterward at Boonville’s famous watering hole – the Boonville Hotel and told stories of the days accomplishments.

5th Annual Camp Fowler Weekend
6606 Sacandaga Lake
and 6608 – Kunjamuk Trail February 17 – 19, 2017

5th Annual Camp Fowler Weekend
6606 Sacandaga Lake
and 6608 – Kunjamuk Trail February 17 – 19, 2017

Write-up: Bobbie Scarpino
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Mike Huss

29 Tramps descended upon Camp Fowler to participate in this favorite club weekend of xc skiing and snowshoeing in Speculator. Our group filled the main Chi Rho Lodge and overflowed into the two prayer cabins on the campus.

Tom Smith and Dick Blanchard ended up sharing one of the cabins and beginning Friday night, the fun began with a posting and ultimately a reading of the “rules” for co-habitating in the prayer cabins by Sir Tom. Among a few were: “No pretending to sleepwalk,” “No spooning,” and “at no time was the Prayer Cabin to be referred to as the “Love Shack!”

Some tomfoolery was also taking place among a few residents of the Lodge. A bed was short-sheeted, which resulted in another room having its bed dismantled, toilet , light switches, and slippers duct taped (with very pretty red, white, and blue tape – Tramps come prepared!), and unfamiliar ladies’ garments left behind!

Saturday dawned sunny with blue skies and a morning outside temperature of 10 degrees. A frozen Sacandaga Lake was calling us to ski and snowshoe, so off we went with the skiers in search of the Fawn Lake Trail on the west side of the lake. Some of the group visited the ice fisherman out on the lake who assured us that the ice was 20 inches thick. After an hour and 15 minute crossing, the trail was found but not attempted. We didn’t want to miss lunch and there were just too many snowmobilers on the trail to ski safely. In fact we encountered 3 said snowmobilers coming off the trail and onto the lake. Our Tramp sexy women caused one of the drivers to become distracted and didn’t notice that his fellow driver had slowed to get a better look at us. (At least that was their story!) We watched as he hit and went over the top of the machine in front of him. Thankfully both drivers were safe and only had minimal damage to their sleds. By the time we returned back to camp many of us were down to one layer because the outside temperature had risen to more than 40 degrees!

After a delicious lunch prepared by our new chef, Jordan, we broke up into a number of different groups to set out on various adventures. Don, Madonna, Tom, and Norma took off to ski the Foxy Brown Trail at Piseco Airport. They were greeted with deep snow and had to break trail until they met other skiers about half way coming from the other direction. Both groups were thankful that the trail back had been broken for them. The last part of their ski was across the runway of the airport through deep slush and water, which resulted in water logged boots.

Carolyn, Diana, Jerry, Lori, Sharon, Nancy, Joan, and Bobbie chose to drive to Watch Hill, about 15 miles north of Speculator. It has breathtaking views of Indian Lake, and Snowy Mountain with its fire tower.

Snowy Mountain from Watch Hill

On the way down, Carolyn, Diana, Jerry and Lori took turns butt sliding on a couple of sleds they had brought along on their packs. Bess and Barb snowshoed part of the Oak Mountain trail and everyone else enjoyed the many trails on the Camp Fowler premises.

Saturday night was clear with all the constellations in view. Jeannie Wolcott treated us all to the launching of a sky lantern. A large group gathered in front of the lodge to watch it being lit, take to the air all aglow, and drift off in the direction of Lake Pleasant. Each evening there were pitch games, cribbage, and shuffleboard for entertainment. When that wasn’t enough fun, monkeys were found jumping on a bed of another monkey who had retired early for the evening.

There was no end to the shenanigans. Even Dianna Morris got in on them . . . yes, our sweet Dianna who moved to North Carolina! Before breakfast on Saturday morning, Dick was interrogating each person about the possibility that they may have packed a needle and thread. Nope – not one person had brought any. Then at breakfast Dick relayed how he had tried to put on his pajama bottoms Friday night only to find that his legs would not go through. It seems that the bottom of the legs had been stitched. Since they were new, Dick blamed the foreign country seamstresses for their mistake. A note from Dianna was found on his pillow. Rather confusing since she was 500 miles away. It read something like “Couldn’t resist myself!” The next morning Dick finally began to put 2 and 2 together when he tried to put on his underwear. Pair # 1 – the top was stitched. Pair # 2 – same. Pair # 3 and his last pair – Ahh, the top was open . . . but the leg openings were stitched! Even his pair of socks were stitched to each other! Dianna got Dick one more year even from afar (with the help of Lu)!

Meg Higgerson brought a few people up from Mapledale to join us for our Sunday hike on the Kunjamuk Trail in Speculator. It was already balmy when 21 of us started out on a very deteriorated trail. Skiing was not an option. Most walked and some snowshoed the 5 mile trail. The skies were a bright blue and the scenery beautiful.

The weekend was topped off with a stop at the Oxbow Inn to quench our thirst and enjoy a satisfying lunch. Thanks to all of you who made this an amazing weekend! Let’s do it all over again next year – same time, same place!

Oh by the way Tom and Dick, I sure hope the next people that stayed in your cabin didn’t eat those Oreos you left behind!!!

Participants: Nancy Agen, Bess Bessey, Dick Blanchard, Kathleen Browne, Carolyn Canary, Kathy Countryman, Mark and Margaret Decker, Carolyn Eastman, Joan Egan, Don and Madonna Fellows, Diana Henry, Janice Huss, Sharon Kaelin, Steve and Dottie Kalies, Barb Kassel, Cindy McCormack, Francis Roy, Tom Smith, Jerry Stewart, John and Maureen Tomasik, Norma Vleer, Lori Waterman, Jeannie Wolcott.




6599 – Highland Forest – January 22, 2017

6599 – Highland Forest – January 22, 2017

Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Jerry Stewart
Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman

Tramp adventure Sunday at Highland Forest. We have been there before but there are many different trails and the scenery is always nice. 9 of us for the hike, yours truly as hike leader. Many of the other tramps were busy marching for various causes so couldn’t join us. This fact lead to something which is extremely rare for a hike. The guys actually outnumbered the ladies! We hit sprinkles briefly driving there then the skies cleared and we were set for the day. The ranger warned us the trails were icy so we put our microspikes on and headed out. For those who don’t know what they are, they stretch over your hiking boots with chains and spiked cleats. Every step is a sure one when you have them on. 4 mile hike with a break for snacks here and there. Storytelling and sharing of new adventures planned for the year along the trail. It will be an awesome year to be a tramp. As we usually do, we stopped for a cold beverage after the hike. Being able to ask for two good natured blonde’s (beer) turned a few heads at Ray’s barbeque. Mmm mm were they good. There is always room on the trail for new adventurers, hop up off the couch and join us on an outing. You’ll be glad you did!

6595 – T-Lake – January 14, 2017

6595 – T-Lake – January 14, 2017

Write-Up: Carolyn Eastman
Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

On a sunny but cold wintry day, 12 tramps set off for T-Lake lean-to.
Six hikers were on snowshoes and the other half used micro-spikes.
As we started on our way the micro-spikes seemed to work just fine
but the further we went the harder it became as people were post-holing and
having a hard time. Doug Wasielewski was a brave soul and tried to keep up with the snowshoes
but even a tough man like him had to admit that it was too much of a workout.
So we went further up the trail where we did a lot of “isms.”
Like Roger’s famous “its all down hill from here,” Carolyn’s “it’s only 15 more minutes,”
and the Fellow’s “this is the last hill.”
Finally, we did have to turn around once we reached a stream that was too large to cross.

6595 – T Lake –
January 14, 2017

6595 – T Lake –
January 14, 2017

Write-Up: Carolyn Eastman
Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

On a sunny but cold wintry day 12 tramps set off for the T Lake
lean-to. Six hikers were on snowshoes and the other half microspikes.
As we started on our way the microspikes seemed to work just fine
but the further we went the harder it became as people were post-holing and having a difficult time. Doug W. was a brave soul and tried to keep up with the snowshoes but even a tough man like him had to admit that it was too much of a workout.

So we went further up the trail where we did a lot of “isms.”
Like, Roger’s famous “its all down hill from here,” Carolyn’s “it’s only 15 more minutes,” and the Fellows’ “this is the last hill.”

Unfortunately, we had to turn around once we reached a stream that was too large to cross.

6594 – Thendara Golf Course – January 8, 2017

6594 – Thendara Golf Course – January 8, 2017

Unofficial write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: Doug Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Deb Wasielewski

Twenty-three tramps endured the cold temperatures for a 6 mile ski/snowshoe. Not all went the entire distance.

I think the cold temperatures got to some of the Tramps because of their behavior when they got warmed up.

2017 Pool Season Is Here!

2017 Pool Season Is Here!

All Tramps are invited to play pool on Wednesday nights at Hippos – House of Billiards.
Beginners are welcome, Dick Blanchard is an enthusiastic and skilled teacher.
5160 Commercial Dr.
Yorkville, NY 13495


Pool at Hippos 2016-17

6591 – The Last Hurrah of 2016 – December 31, 2016

6591 – The Last Hurrah of 2016 – December 31, 2016

Write-up: Mary Pat Connors
Leader: Mary Pat Connors
Co-Leader: Madonna Fellows

As of the weekend before the Last Hurrah, I was feeling a bit relieved. All the snow had melted, thus making room in my yard for the the influx of cars expected for the hike.

Then came snow on Wednesday, Thursday AND Friday, with Utica declaring a snow emergency on the night of December 29. Not to fear, with the help of my trusty plower, room was made for all cars in the driveway. Roger Felske also used his snowblower to clear the lawn for both the bonfire and the 50 people who attended.

Considering the weather the days before, we had a pretty fair day, cloudy and slightly windy, but with temperatures in the low 30’s.

We set off from the Connors’ house to do a loop up into the hills above. There was quite a parade of Tramps, led by the fool, Mary Pat Connors, and ending with her trusty co-leader Madonna Fellows.

First to the corner of Neals Gulf Rd. There we began the long trek, first down into the gulf, then up up up to the corner of Grange Hill Rd. Continuing up we reached the pinnacle where you could just make out a hint of Oneida Lake in the distance. Reaching Snowden Hill Rd. we started the long descent back down. (Incidentally, we twice crossed the trail of one of the first hikes the Tramps ever took, from Willowvale to Crow Hill.)

Upon return to the house, Tramps partook of hot coffee and cider.
Some very smart Tramps brought spirits to add to these.


Mmmm. Many Tramps contributed food: chili, cornbread, cheese dip, deviled eggs, desserts of brownies, cookies and a massive sheet cake festively decorated by Meg Higgerson.

The roaring bonfire provided some welcome warmth. Meg and Bill Higgerson had done much advance work for this winter treat. Bill had even calculated to a tee how much wood was going to be needed.

Some brought chairs and blankets and set themselves up for a cold winter’s night.


At “midnight” (actually 5pm) we celebrated with champagne, noisemakers and sparklers.

I don’t think the neighborhood has ever experienced such racket!


On this New Year’s Eve, 2016, I was grateful for all who participated, all who contributed, and all who make my life with the Tramp family a joy.

Thank you especially to Meg and Bill Higgerson, Roger Felske, Madonna Fellows, Grace McNasser, Deb Roberts, Lu Blanchard and Nancy Coleman for all your help making this a wonderful get-together.