Write-up: Nancy Schenck
Leader: Nancy Schenck
Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman
What a wonderful day we all had. When planning a hike three months in advance so many variables over which you have no control affect the outcome of a hike; weather conditions, trail conditions, hiker’s desires, abilities, stamina and comfort levels, etc. Then the day before the hike the chance of rain goes from 20 to 90 percent!

Never fear when you’ve got the Tramps. It rained on the drive to the trailhead and again as soon as we were driving home, but never while we hiked.
We had a beautiful hike from West Trapps Parking Lot via the Overcliff Road, Old Minnewaska Road and the Lake Shore Road. These are well maintained carriage trails through beautiful woodlands. We were looking for the entrance to the Labyrinth which would take us to the Lemon Squeeze. It runs parallel to another groomed, diamond dust trail to Sky Top, the tower that overlooks the Mohonk Mountain House and the Hudson Valley. Ten of the 11 of us decided to do the Labyrinth. Immediately we came to a slanted slippery plank over a very deep crevice. We were all able to cross that losing only 1 hiking pole. It had rained all the night before and the wet wood and wet rocks were very slippery.

The next challenge was crawling on your belly like a reptile through a cave like tunnel. Only Diana Henry did that. The rest of us found an alternate route around. All but four of us bailed out after that. The conditions made it too dangerous. We will go back on a dry day to conquer this challenge. The four continued out of their comfort zone, but eventually found an escape route before they got to the Lemon Squeeze.

Lu found us a warm rock out of the wind for us to enjoy our lunch at Sky To. We all enjoyed the views.
Then the fun really started. On our way back nine of us took the Tough Route through Cope’s Lookout Path, Cathedral Path, Arching Rocks Path and finally the Giants Workshop. We felt like kids again. Huge boulders have fallen off the cliffs into piles just asking us to climb up, down, around and through. There were times we had to take off our packs to squeeze through narrow spaces, hold onto tiny ridges on the rocks as we slid down hoping our feet would find a hold before we fell. We jumped over deep crevices and climbed up huge rocks only to slide down the other side. It took a lot of team work and we all thank Diana Henry for her help in really BAD places. We were all relieved we made it to Laurel Ledge Road unscathed, but disappointed that the challenge was over.

On the way back on the Undercliff Road we stopped to watch technical rock climbers scaling the cliffs.
The two who took the Humpty Dumpty Road had their excitement as well. They saw a very large black bear about 100 feet from them. Fortunately he continued away from them.
It was a great day for all! We topped it off with a delicious Italian dinner at Russo’s in Amsterdam.
Hopefully we’ll get back to conquer the Lemon Squeeze and some of the many other trails that have been suggested to us.