Q News – March 26, 2020

Q News – March 26, 2020

Day 6 of quarantine. Went for a walk while they were doing work on my car. These are pics of the walking path that goes from McCraith’s beverages to the old Ramada Inn – Jim took you all on it sometime in the last year.


After the Halloween flood, I thought it was the bridge that was out, but the flood totally erased part of the path! You can still get from one end to the other, but have to go almost thru the woods at one point. It was amazing to see what the power of water can do, and from such a little stream.


The birds were out tho’ and at one point the spring peepers, my fav sign of spring, were very vocal. It was a beautiful day for a walk. Then Mary Pat and I walked her triangle that we did that one New Year’s Eve – keeping our distance by walking on opposite sides of the road. Just didn’t want to go in! Hope you are all well and keeping in touch by phone, facetime or Zoom. Miss everyone!

Lu Blanchard

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