Q NEWS – March 21, 2020

Q NEWS – March 21, 2020

Welcome to the first edition of Q NEWS!

The good news is we are still getting out hiking and walking.
We cannot see our fellow tramps in person so this is a way to connect and share
our experiences.

Jackson Hill

Enjoyed a hike on Jackson Hill. We were totally isolated from anyone. A beautiful day!
The Fellows

Jackson Hill
Moose River Mountain

Trail was frozen and spikes worked great most of the way to the mountain. Coming back, the sun had warmed up the trail enough that we sank in the snow a bit more. Nice to be out and when we weren’t too noisy crunching on the snow, we could carry on conversations while maintaining correct social distancing.
Dianna Morris

Officially Tramp “unsanctioned” from the trip schedule several days ago, I managed to lead an impromptu hike to both Moose River and Quarry Mountains. Carolyn Eastman, former cocktail queen, now corona virus czar, kept Dave Kuhn and I socially responsible while hiking on this cool, sunny day. For added security and distance management, we did deep breathing exercises and chewed garlic cloves.
Using micro spikes on a hard packed surface, we made decent time to the tower summit. Following lunch, we bushwhacked to the sister summit, whose east side is a steep gradient. Despite the tree line we found a nice view of McCauley Mt. Circling around the twin peaks, we eventually intersected the trail below the tower summit. Evidently, we missed a group of five tramps also climbing on this gorgeous day.
Roughly a mile from the car, we whacked our way through open hardwoods to an unnamed peak – locals call it Quarry Mt.- to its large rocky summit cone. There are outstanding views of McCauley Mt., Moose River Mt., Blue Mt. as well as the vast Adirondack landscape. At the car by 3:30, the group had hiked 9 miles in about 6 hours.
Paul Sirtoli

On Saturday, March 21, 5 of us met at Mapledale and drove separately to the Moose River Mt. trailhead. Keeping well over 6 ft apart, we made our way to the top and back down for a distance of 6 miles. Trail was mostly well packed snow with a few bare spots. All but Greg wore microspikes! He likes the slip sliding! Another smaller group set out earlier than us to do a bushwhack after reaching the top of Moose River Mt. We saw their tracks, but never encountered them or anyone else. It was wonderful to be out in the sunshine. The sky was a brilliant blue. Russ asked what color blue it was. If I were to paint it, I would use cerulean with a touch of ultramarine blue. Nice to appreciate the things we often take for granted!
Bobbie Scarpino

Moose River Mountain
Moose River Mountain
Moose River Mountain

Some treats shared by Deb Cantales. The stuff of dreams!
Rights reserved by Deb Cantales.

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