7533 Chubb Lake
August 31, 2024

7533 Chubb Lake
August 31, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Only six ventured out on a projected wet day.  The weather forecasted rain and thunderstorms.  The drive up was a downpour; we should have consulted Tom Smith and mimicked his hike parameters.   But as usual the weather forecast was not accurate.  Meteorologist, the only occupation you can be wrong at most of the time and not get fired.  Once at the trailhead, it started to let up.  Most of the hike was dry with the exception of the last three miles on the way out, sporadic rain.   

The 12-mile hike included some great views of Constable and Mays Ponds, stops at the Queen Lake lean-to and the Chub Lake campsite for lunch.   Despite the rain, mud, and some slips in the mud, the hike was fantastic.  Onto the next adventure..

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