7489 Tooker Mountain
May 18, 2024

7489 Tooker Mountain
May 18, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Kevin Perez

Interesting start to the hike, 20% dropped out, utilizing sickness as a convenient excuse.  That put a lot of pressure on me knowing that I couldn’t lose anyone during the hike.  Enlisting the help of Kevin P. to co-lead, he made sure everyone kept up, and they did.  The pace that the seven demanded had us averaging 19:34’ish /miles according to Pete.  This was a cardio hike right from the start until lunch.  

Weather was great, no rain, and the temp was conducive to shorts.   No chance of missing the top of Tooker with all the GPS’s within the group, triple redundancy! At the top, we had a quick break, due to the black flies, mosquitoes, and no views.  From Tooker Mtn., we made our way to Nelson Lake lean-to.  At the lean-to, the bugs seemed to just bother Lisa R. and let the rest of us eat in peace.  8.6 miles today with everyone having a fantastic time. 

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