7075 Jackson Hill
January 30, 2021

7075 Jackson Hill
January 30, 2021

Write-up: Jeannie Borgia Wolcott
Leader: Jeannie Borgia Wolcott
Co-Leader: Jerry Stewart
Never mind that it was reported to be the coldest day of the year and that the designated leader broke her ankle two weeks before the outing. None of these things deter the Tramps.
Jeannie took over the leadership and very smartly secured Jerry Stewart to co-lead.
This was pretty ingenious as Jerry was much more familiar with this trail.
And Jeannie campaigned for two newbies to join us.
There were 8 Tramps and the 2 newbies – Bryan Davies, a musician with the band Remsen Social Club and his girlfriend Kerri Rehm that started out and finished the 3-mile loop from the lower parking lot at Jackson Hill.
It was a beautiful day with sparkly snow and temperatures below zero which quickly rose to a bearable range with the sunshine.
No one complained about the cold as we were sweating with the effort,
Only one icy spot with several unexpected whoopsies.
The gang was treated with homemade ginger snaps that Jeannie whipped up as a reward for completing the ski.
It was a great outing and I will gladly lead another one in the future. We did miss Cindy McCormack – get well wishes are sent her way.
By the way, both Bryan and his girlfriend Kerri were very impressed with the group and plan on completing the  requirement to become members.

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