Q News – May 10, 2020
Mt. Hope Reservoir and Remsen Falls

Q News – May 10, 2020
Mt. Hope Reservoir and Remsen Falls


Today’s hike was a nice outing, especially after the snow we got yesterday.  Nothing long today, just 5.5 miles at the Mt Hope Reservoir.  With all the snow it was more like we were participating in a mud run rather than a hike, but the weather was nice.
Carolyn E.


A Mother’s day hike to Remsen Falls proved to be quite enjoyable. There were signs of spring everywhere. Trilliums and Trout Lilies ready to bloom (should be fully open by next weekend) even with the little bit of snow left on the ground from Saturday. The only other people we saw we passed on the way out. About 10 mins before the parking lot a family with 3 small kids were on the way in.
Sharon K.

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