January 25, 2025
7588 Green Lakes State Park
January 25, 2025
Write-up: Bobbie Scarpino
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Lu Blanchard

A Comedy of Mishaps!
Every leader knows that a hike should be checked out beforehand, especially if unfamiliar with the trailhead and trail. This leader did just that on the Saturday before the hike. Finding the entrance to the trails and parking area, I decided there was not enough snow for snowshoes, but spikes might be needed if icy spots might be encountered. With spikes on and poles in hand, I started out on my planned route. I hadn’t gone far when I remembered I had forgotten my phone in the car. Being alone, I thought it would be a good idea to have it in case of emergency. So, back to the car I went.
Now with phone in pocket, I headed back to continue my pre-hike. Five steps later I found myself in a Superwoman pose flat out in the snow . . . WT_ ! After checking that nothing was bleeding or broken, I rolled over and attempted to get up. I discovered that was impossible and the reason why I fell. (If you tried to do this while walking you could not!) The spike on my boot was off the heel and a link of the spike was attached to the upper boot hook on my right foot (kind of like having your shoes tied together). I could not detach the spike from the boot, so removing the spike from the left boot and dragging it still attached to the right, I made my way back to car, propped my trekking poles on the side car and sat in the car to try to get the spike off the hook of my boot. Try as I might, it would not come off. I resigned myself to the fact that checking out the trail would not happen and tomorrow’s hike would be an adventure. (Little did I know at that time how much of an adventure it would turn out to be!) I wiggled my right foot out of my boot and drove off with my shoeless foot on the gas pedal.
About 15 minutes on the road, I had one of those moments when you remember you think you forgot something. Pulling over and looking in the rear of the car, I realized my trekking poles were back in the parking lot. Back I went and retrieved the poles right where they had slid off the car as I had pulled away.
Needing both boots and spikes for the hike the next day, help to detach the trickster spike was sought. After three phone calls to various Tramps, surgeon Dr. Mark Decker answered the call. Using his surgical tools of both a small and large pair of needle nose pliers, the spike and boot were finally separated in perfect condition.

30 Tramps showed up for the hike the next day and off we went on my planned route. Two decided they would rather ski the trails, so returned to the car to get their equipment, never to be seen again! We hiked on, stopping at each intersection to make sure our group of now 28 was together. Coming to another intersection at about 2.5 miles in, I waited to make sure my co-leader was at the rear. Spotting Lu and turning to continue, I heard shouts of “Wait! We don’t have Mike!” So, we waited, and waited, and waited! Where was Mike last seen? Come to find out, he decided to put on his spikes at the last intersection about a half mile back and said he’d catch up. Sir Tom offered to go back and find him . . . Not a good idea! We all agreed that we should all retrace our steps to locate him.

Thankfully with cell phone coverage and after numerous calls, we were in contact with Mike. At the last intersection, he had not turned left like the group had, and had continued straight instead. Convincing Mike that he was on the wrong trail and to turn around, we continued to the intersection where he was last seen. The group got there before him so, Sir Tom and Kevin took off down the trail Mike was on to walk back with him. Since the crowd was growing restless, cold, and tired, we began to walk slowly back on the trail to our cars, the original loop hike being aborted. As Mike made his way back to the fold, he was greeted with an arch of trekking poles to welcome him back.

The Recovery Room in Verona seemed an appropriate place to finish off the day. All’s well that ends well! Thank you, Lu for co-leading a hike that won’t be forgotten. (Skiers, Don and Madonna, made it home safely too!)