January 20, 2025
7587 Stoney Pond
January 20, 2025
Write-up: Paul Sirtoli
Leader: Lisa Robertson
Co- leader and photo credit – Peter Franz

It was 4-degrees above zero when our small group convened at Madison with “de-fault” co-leader Peter Franz. I use the word “default” loosely since the co-leader position cycled through several volunteers before Pete agreed to assume the position. The anonymous co-leaders opted out given the frigid temperature. Nonetheless, the brilliant sunshine lent an aura of warmth and excitement for our impending snowshoe excursion to the ponds.

At the trailhead, leader Lisa greeted us warmly, all excited and rarin’ to go. The sun was still shining, and the temperature less than 10-degrees when a discussion ensued regarding the use of snowshoes vs. bare-booting the trails. During this “heated” debate, an individual saunters out of the woods without snowshoes, claiming that he bare-booted 2.5 miles. Snowshoes were not necessary. The die was cast, and off we go.
Within 60-minutes of our departure, we are moaning over our decision. At the higher elevation, the snow pack was deeper, the trail not as packed thus warranting the use of shoes.

From some remote lean-to, God knows where, we trudge back to the parking area. Lisa graciously provided tea and ginger snaps, mellowing our mood. Our calves certainly got a good workout after the five-mile hike.
Three tramps, refreshed, and using snowshoes, continued hiking for the balance of the day. The temperature a balmy 12-degrees.