7572 Moss Island
December 8, 2024

7572 Moss Island
December 8, 2024

Write-up: Paul Sirtoli

Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Co-Leader: Ron Carvin

Known to rock climbing enthusiasts throughout the Mohawk Valley, and named after the sphagnum moss that carpets “Moss” Island, our troupe of seven saw no green while tramping through 5-inches of packable snow.  Our co-leader guide, Ron, did a marvelous job instructing and pointing out to his elder students the numerous kettle holes, the metamorphic rock, Black Tupelo trees, and a unique vernal pool generally indigenous to the Adirondacks.

One of the highlights on our sojourn was discovering an almost perfect replica of a prominent human facial profile “carved” at the top of one of the climbing walls.  Note that Peter tried to imitate the steely, grizzled look of the hardened man. We’ll let the reader decide if Pete measures up to that debonair gaze. Give him credit for trying.  

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