7541 Rogers Environmental Center
September 14, 2024

7541 Rogers Environmental Center
September 14, 2024

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski

Leader: Mike Huss

Co-Leader: Janice Huss

The Rogers Center was originally established in 1909 as the Sherburne State Farm with the purpose of raising and breeding pheasants. It was renamed the Rogers State Game Farm in the 1940s in honor of Harry and Gertrude Rogers, who first ran the facility and originally suggested the idea of a pheasant breeding program to the State. In the late 1960s, the DEC phased out its game farm operations and started the State’s first conservation education center, which offered educational programs to residents, school groups, and summer camps until 2010 when the Center was shut down due to DEC budget reductions. In 2011, the non-profit Friends of Rogers was formed to run the Visitor Center and currently offers educational programming to children and adults throughout the year. Thanks to Mike and Janice for leading the hike.

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