7516 Long Lake
July 27, 2024

7516 Long Lake
July 27, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Greg Sipp

Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman

Fret not!  When I indicate mileage for a hike, it will be spot on.  Today’s Long Lake 11-mile lollypop hike ended up being precisely 10.98 miles.  Despite four distance hikers coming out today, Wesley decided to cut his teeth with his first club hike.  Will he be back? If Paul’s vetting didn’t scare him off … probably.     

Unfortunately, due to COVID, we couldn’t enjoy the after hike party and refreshing cold water immersion therapy of Pleasant Lake.  Instead, Paul had to settle for a back flip in the mud.  Banged up, bleeding profusely from his knee and arm, and refusing help from Carolyn, Paul kept trekking on to Long Lake for lunch.  Thank God, the return was uneventful with the occasional annoying deer fly.  Onto the next adventure. 


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