7512 & 7513 JBL Weekend
July 19-21, 2024

7512 & 7513 JBL Weekend
July 19-21, 2024

Write-up: Lisa Lucas-Myers

Leader: Dave Rockwood

Co-Leader: Lisa Lucas-Myers

JBL Weekend took place on July 19-21, 2024. It should be noted that Lisa arrived at the meeting location promptly at 6:45 am. And so, the race to parking spaces became our first feat to accomplish. With almost military precision, hikers jumped out of cars, backpacks were tossed to the side, and most vehicles were moved to Marcy Field. In all, 21 hearty hopeful high peakers gathered at the loj full of anticipation and still smelling pretty good! The weather for the weekend was 70s and clear with no rain through the end of the weekend – could there be anything better at the end?? And yet, there is a even better ending so grab your Cliff bars and read on. A small group headed to Big Slide on Friday afternoon and were graced with an unbelievable view of Mt Marcy which just happened to be the goal for tomorrow. Dinner was enjoyed by all but especially by Amanda and Tom who were heard to comment “good to the last drop of homemade ice cream”.  Soon, it was time to chatter about hike plans and game playing and then to find a bunk away from a friend that snores. Saturday morning, excited and trepidatious groups left the loj for Marcy, Gray, Skylight, Basin, Saddleback, Haystack, Big Slide, and Yard with plans to be back by dinner at 6:30. 

When the dinner bell rang, our gang gathered to share stories and break garlic bread minus four. Jiao and David (who were celebrating 38 years of marriage) were still on their way from Marcy and Skylight. Sue and Carol were somewhere between Skylight and the Loj. Jiao and David arrived safely around 8:30 pm, having passed Sue and Carol on Skylight. That left Sue and Carol who had not expected to be back until 9 pm but now seemed unlikely. Another evening began with hike stories (current and historical), games of chance, and sitting outside on the deck. New JBLers (Welcome Denice. Peter, Kevin, and Phil) became enticed and infused with the passion of experienced JBLers.  

As the evening turned to darkness, the moon began to rise over the tall trees which nearly mask the peaks. It was full and as bright as the sun but with a whitest glow. A few of us watched for headlamps to signal the arrival of our last two friends, Sue and Carol. Instead the minutes turned into hours. There was no more waiting by 11:30 pm when the rangers were called. Information was shared and soon Ranger Wyatt was on the trail to locate our friends. It was with great relief that the ranger radioed with good news! About 2:30 am, we celebrated Sue and Carol’s return and Carol’s accomplishment of 46 peaks!!

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