7510 Egypt Rd.
July 13, 2024

7510 Egypt Rd.
July 13, 2024

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski

Leader: Jim Wasielewski

Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

I changed the hike to an earlier time hoping that no one would show and I could enjoy my Saturday in peace. However to my dismay a plethora of Tramps appeared out of the blue necessitating my involvement in this group ramble. Not being at the trail site for a fair number of years and only in the winter time there was no groomed  trail to follow, it was as if I was in never-never land. Persevering, only minor bushwhacks were necessary and no souls were lost. Peter sold some on the idea that draping your head with leaves would deter the insects. I don’t know if it worked or not but some really relished the opportunity to be one with nature.

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