7509 Wakely Brook
July 13, 2024

7509 Wakely Brook
July 13, 2024

Write-up: Greg Sipp

Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Co-Leader: Greg Sipp

Saturday, the group embarked on the Wakely Brook Overview hike, a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns that made for an unforgettable experience.

As we gathered at the sign in location, the anticipation in the air was palpable. However, our excitement was momentarily tempered when Lisa, notorious for arriving late, didn’t disappoint.  Her late arrival caused a brief delay in our departure.  Her excuse, “I forgot my poles”.  Nevertheless, we set off determined to make the most of the day.  Rte. 8 was fraught with deer, turkey and a mac truck that was all over the road.  My guess was, the guy was under the influence of something.  Paul, in a moment of bravado and unannounced to us, gunned it and actually passed him.  You could see his MPG dropping  to about 35. 


We made a brief stop in Speculator, not for shopping, but for donuts.  That’s where we had a close call; we almost lost one Tramp before we even started hiking.  Darlene mistakenly tried to get into someone else’s car and may have never been seen again.  Thankfully, we didn’t have to issue an Amber Alert. 

We did make it to the trail head with no further incidents.  Despite the minor mishaps, we got moving, braving the scorching sun that led to a case of heat stroke.  The relentless buzzing of black and horseflies added an extra layer of challenge, but we persevered, determined to reach our destination.   A wardrobe mishap was quickly addressed with all the women helping Paul get his pants on.  A deliberate yet effective attempt at attention.  

After traversing about 5 miles, the effort was rewarded as four of the group successfully reached the top, enjoying the breathtaking views, so I was told.  Upon their descent, Bill woke up from his nap enquiring about the group and where they were.  We did hear them, but they appeared to be getting further away.  Instead of trying my Emergency SOS, I decided to go looking for them.  Whistling got them going in the right direction.  All Good.  The sense of accomplishment and camaraderie among us was truly unparalleled, making every step of the journey worthwhile.

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