7505 Heiberg Forest
June 30, 2024

7505 Heiberg Forest
June 30, 2024

Write – Up –   Paul Sirtoli

Leader – Lisa Robertson

Co-leader – Carolyn Eastman

Photo Credit – Dave Rockwood

We were promised an 800-foot vertical rise climb up a steep ridgeline (thank God the trail was switch-backed); we were promised a hardened trail system without mud; we were promised several scenic ponds near the trail.  Our trip leader, Lisa Robertson, came through with almost all those promises, and more.  By and large, the finger lakes spur trail, starting at Labrador Pond, had several small sections of boot-sucking mud. Our group of seven – Dave, Carolyn, Lisa L-M, Pete, Tom, Lisa R and Paul briskly hiked ten miles through a handsome, deciduous forest. A circular nature trail, replete with descriptive placards, small waterfall, and benches was at the terminus of the spur trail. This we walked, having lunch near the six-foot water fall. Upon our return, near the parking area, we walked a lengthy raised boardwalk through an extensive boggy region, affording a scenic view to Labrador Pond. Thank YOU, Lisa, for a wonderful day.

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