7494 Mt. Hunger
May 27, 2024

7494 Mt. Hunger
May 27, 2024

Write-Up: Peter Franz, The Tummler

Leader: Peter Franz

Co-Leader: Pam Carrier

The forecast of thunderstorms did not deter 17 tramps on this hike. Storms waited until we were properly nourished. The leader was heard saying “it never rains on a tramp hike.”

The hike began strolling Whalen Road to the gate at the Waterville Fish & Game Club. On the way back, we visited the Cleary foundation and received a lesson regarding the reproductive system of the plant “Jack in the Pulpit,” by Ron Carvin. We continued on to the Whalen Road cemetery where headstones dated back to the 1700s. Bobbie honored a grave with an American flag to celebrate Memorial Day.

We returned to our cars, then missed out on a chicken barbecue at the American Legion. Due to such, 4 thirsty tramps were left there to wet their whistles and 7 others were welcomed at the Solsville Hotel to eat, drink and listen to bad jokes.  Not a name to be mentioned, one of the 7 at the hotel had a joke played on him by the waitress who declared that his credit card was rejected!  

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