July 9, 2023
7385 St. Lawrence Paddle
July 9, 2023
Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Emil Misiaszek
Co-Leader: Jerry Stewart
Big adventure on the big water. Threats of afternoon thunderstorms and a long travel distance kept our numbers low but those that were there were certainly not disappointed. Forecast stated we were safe til 2:00, so we joined Walt Pillar at the meeting place and off to Emil’s we went. Beautiful place on Wellesley Island, complete with a kayak launch system.

The 5 of us took to the water and away we went. Nestled in the heart of millionaire row, the first stop was Boldt castle and the boathouse. A nice light breeze kept us cool and we paddled around the Fairyland group of islands wanting to stay closer to his camp should the weather suddenly turn.

Emil is an excellent leader, sharing many points of interest along the way. A few hours of paddling and we returned to his camp for lunch.

Refreshed and refueled from our paddle we got a boat ride on what would’ve been the rest of our paddle had the forecast been more promising. Into the lake of the isles, we tossed anchor and dove in! Warm and refreshing. Back aboard we continued thru the Canadian riff, lost channel and back to camp. The Canadian side has many fine places, no shortage of discretionary funds for these folks. The weather held until shortly after I’d gotten back to camp with the kayaks put away. Downpour!
Hopefully next year we can schedule a St Lawrence weekend event making it more feasible for people to come up. I hope you all had a great weekend