7154 T-Lake Falls
September 19, 2021

7154 T-Lake Falls
September 19, 2021

Leader: Paul Sirtoli

Co-Leader Carolyn Eastman

Write up, Paul Sirtoli

Photo Credit, Dave Rockwood.

Many tramps have hiked the hilly trail to T Lake; the trail seems to go on forever.  At 2,467 feet, T Lake is the highest lake on the Piesco Lake topographical map and has a higher elevation than most of the mountains south of route 8 in Arietta.

Below the T-Lake lean-to, and adjacent to the lake, the now un-marked trail continues to T-Lake Falls, roughly 1.75 miles distant.  Once well maintained, it is now “closed” due to past fatalities from individuals sliding off the falls.  Now a prominent foot path marked by occasional blue ribbons, the trail can be easily followed without difficulty as evidenced by the footprint activity in areas of mud.

Due to a few areas of blowdown, the path is obscured, but easily found, again evidenced by hikers who made a hacked re-rout.

The fairly level path borders a small creek, and passes a fifteen-foot waterfall that debauches into a massive wetland. With so many talking-walking heads, there would be no witnessing grazing moose or deer.

Toward the end of the trail, where it begins its descent to the falls, the once quaint and tame creek now descends quickly through a narrow, rocky chasm. Eventually, it morphs onto a broad, rock slide-the top of the falls. Laced with lichen and moss, The rock slide, gentle at first, becomes steeper and eventually becomes near vertical.  I estimate the total drop be near 500 feet. And when the rock strata is wet, extreme caution is advised, for it is quite slippery. The Metcalf Mountain range across the valley is the most prominent view.  The hardy hikers made a half-hearted attempt to bushwhack down the steep side embankment   bordering the slide to the large pool, but given the dense woods, blowdown, and threatening rain, returned to the top. Participating on this 12-mile, 7.5-hour hike were Carolyn Eastman, Nina Belmar, Jim Lomonaco, David Rockwood, Tom Smith, Paul Sirtoli, Darlene Whitaker.


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