January 23, 2021
7072 – November Falls & Twin Lake/Vly
January 23, 2021
Write-up: Paul Sirtoli
Leader: Paul Sirtoli
Co-Leader: Carolyn Eastman
We were nine, then seven, then six, then at last count, two who finally arrived at Twin Lakes. And why would this be? Possibly because the North Wilmurt Road was not plowed. Perhaps due to Tom O’Hara getting his van stuck in the snowbank, blocking the already narrow, snow filled road, and ultimately being towed out by a town snowplow truck. Perhaps because we had to shovel out the parking area using our snowshoes? This after most of us shoveled our own driveways at five in the morning!
Some “new” participants observing this disorganization- snow entrapped vehicles, jockeying cars in a snow banked parking area cleared by snowshoes, or just general mayhem waved goodbye as they drove by the cramped parking area. I wonder why?
Finally, the hike begins. Single digit temperature and twelve plus inches of fresh powder do not deter this hearty group of seven. We take turns snowshoe-breaking the trail in an otherwise winter wonderland resplendent with a rare sight, brilliant sunshine. After one mile, we lose Tom from hurting hips. It’s tough getting old! Now we are six, and undaunted we press forward for another 1.5 miles down the trail. Diana’s feet are very cold, as our pace was too slow. Carolyn, just off a 14-day quarantine from being sick, is exhausted, her legs “mush.” Jerry and Lori, who car-pooled with Diana, now have to return also. Now we are two. Dave and I slogged through the deep snow for another 1.5 miles to the heart of Twin Lakes. That effort took well over an hour. Rather than proceed forward or visit November Falls, we simply returned to his truck on a well-packed trail. For this eventful day, Dave and I logged 7.6 miles in 6.5 hours. Needless to say, we all had fun.