7049 – Griffiss Park
November 14, 2020

7049 – Griffiss Park
November 14, 2020

Write-up: Jerry Stewart
Leader: Jerry Stewart
Co-Leader: Lori Waterman

Storytime for you. Yes, I still get together with the tramps. We limit the size of the groups these days, mandatory masks and social distancing practices required. Being hunting season we look for more urban settings to go on. Saturday I took them around my trails on the base thru the art park. I walk them 5 days a week unless it is a complete downpour, mental health break for the workday at lunchtime. When do I eat? The other 8 hours of my workday! ?

Back to my story. 14 of us met up and away we went. There are many different displays, many of them are by local artists.  I had their map from the internet which was dated. Deb showed me an app, Art at Griffiss  which worked well and gives information about each. Google it and check it out. The winged horse playing with a dragon is symbolic of the base. The horse being the Phoenix from the fire as the once strong SAC military base was decommissioned and has taken on new life as a high-tech park supporting Rome lab and the next generation advancements in defense and cybersecurity. The dragon tail represents a military jet soaring into the future.  From on base we track every aircraft in the sky from the Canadian border to Florida! Santa tracking Christmas eve as well. I’m privileged to know one of the commanders of that operation and we frequently patrol the Northern border in the summer months together on his pontoon boat.


There is a very nice Vietnam memorial there as well. I watched daily as two vets poured hour after hour of love and remembrance into this. They have a helicopter coming to be added to it also. I took them around the park and pointed out a few things not mentioned in the brochures. One example is the still active flight control tower which our own Sir Tom Smith once worked for many years. We can only hope his navigational skills were sharper back then. ?

Of course, at the end of the outing was a stop for that favorite frozen treat ? ? proving, it’s never too cold for ice cream!

Thank you to Deb and Lori for some awesome pictures.  See you all on the trail.


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