7046 Little Woodhull
November 7, 2020

7046 Little Woodhull
November 7, 2020

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski
Leader: Jim Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

Twenty of us hiked 7 miles into Little Woodhall Lake on another beautiful day.
The trail was good most of the way but near the lake it was very swampy probably to the recent rain/snow.

To our amazement there was an airplane located on the lake. Maybe hunters flew in but we didn’t see anyone on the lake. You can see the red wing on the photo with the trees. Couldn’t get closer because of the wet conditions.

Thanks to Don and Madonna for scheduling a great hike.

Later, John Gilbert brought this to our attention.

Wilderness Enforcement: On Nov. 13, Forest Rangers Hanno and McCartney discovered an illegal camp near a remote pond in the West Canada Lake Wilderness Area. Upon further investigation, the Forest Rangers observed multiple state land violations. On the evening of Nov. 19, the Rangers apprehended two hunters from Forestport occupying the camp. An interview with the two hunters revealed the pair was responsible for cutting out a trail, cutting 14 trees to build their camp, using a chainsaw in a wilderness area, storing personal property on state land, camping violations, and landing a plane on a prohibited body of water in a wilderness area. Forest Rangers issued multiple appearance tickets for the various offenses.


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