7042 – Carpenter Rd. TM
October 24, 2020

7042 – Carpenter Rd. TM
October 24, 2020

Write-up: Hugh Mason
Leader: Hugh Mason
Co-Leader: Jan Fellenz

Nine members of the Tramp and Trail Club spent a productive Saturday morning into early afternoon manicuring the Larch, Mill Creek, Jack’s Track, Beaver Pond, Douglas Creek and portions of the West Loop trails at DEC’s Carpenter Road trail system. Our total hike was ~6.5 miles but certainly seemed shorter due to spending the time with such good company. Hands, clippers, handsaws, loppers were all put to good use as trail debris, low hanging and otherwise encroaching vegetation was moved aside or trimmed back from the trail. A few new and or replacement trail markers were nailed up to make the path easier to follow. It appears that the DEC had very recently brought in a crew that cleared a substantial number of blowdowns that had occured over the spring, summer and fall. Their heavy work made it much easier for us to tidy things up for the coming ski/snowshoe season. New trail maps that had been installed at all intersections last year are still in good shape with the exception of the one located at the beginning of Mill Creek. A blowdown had taken that one out of commission. It will be replaced by Jan and Hugh before the ski season begins.

Thanks to all the Tramps that gave their time to help maintain this underused gem of a ski/snowshoe area. It generally has the most reliable snow cover in the immediate area and is often skiable into April when BREIA trails are bare.

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