7031, 7032 – Saranac Weekend
September 26-27, 2020

7031, 7032 – Saranac Weekend
September 26-27, 2020

Write-up: Walt Pillar
Kayak Leader: Walt Pillar
Kayak Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

27 Tramps spent a warm, sunny fall weekend at Saranac Lake. The fall foliage was near-peak and even the drive up and back was worth the trip. About half of the group kayaked a portion of the Northern Forest Canoe Trail while the other half hiked.

On Saturday, the kayakers paddled from Second Pond on the Saranac River to Lake Flower.

After being lowered through the Lower Lock to Lake Oseetah, the group decided to take a side trip and explore Lake Kiwassa since the weather was so nice and the views so spectacular. The total paddle was 9.7 miles.

On Sunday, the kayakers put in below the Saranac Lake dam and took out at the McCasland Bridge.

The paddling was easy with the current and wind at our backs. The water level was low exposing a couple of rocky areas that were a challenge to navigate and created a mucky take out at the McCasland Bridge causing one member to get his new $350 river shoes muddy while helping everyone at the take out. We paddled 6 miles.

Hike Write-up: Carolyn Eastman
Hike Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Hike Co-Leader: Karen Oeink

There were a total of 13 people signed up to hike Jenkins Mountain at Paul Smith’s College Saturday.
Some of the group had stayed at campsites instead of the hotels where the rest of us were. Meeting up at the trailhead we regrouped and started our day.

We spent time taking pictures of the beautiful colors from the fall
foliage and with the warm weather there was no need to rush.
The top offered some good views.

St Regis Mountain
Sunday was cooler, steeper, and very windy compared to Saturdays hike up Jenkins Mt.
The views were well worth our efforts, the best of the weekend by far. Some brave souls ventured up the fire tower even with the high winds.

Additional photos may be found here.

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