7029 – Humphrey Mountain
September 19, 2020

7029 – Humphrey Mountain
September 19, 2020

Write-up: Carolyn Eastman
Leader: Carolyn Eastman
Co-Leader: Paul Sirtoli

On a cool September morning eleven Tramps set out for our third attempt to find
the elusive Humphrey Mountain. Greg, having his GPS and Paul, with his map and compass in hand, we set off on our journey. The trails were well-marked with blue markers for the Puffer Pond trail then turned to red. We then found orange and yellow markers to the junction to our destination.

We followed the orange and red markers ’til they ran out then had to turn to Greg and Paul
for the bushwhacking skills.  Now Greg claims he had 27 satellites watching his every move
so he saw the way to go and Paul being very experienced with just a  map and compass
did not need all those satellites watching and he knew the way to go, both were correct but who did the rest of us follow?…

Well we made it to the top with BOTH of their skills and with only a few bruises and scrapes and a lot of laughs and oh yeah four extra miles than stated on the write up… good thing we had hardy hikers so they didn’t want to stone me too bad.

Another fantastic day spent on the trails with great company!

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