7019 – Castle Rock
August 16, 2020

7019 – Castle Rock
August 16, 2020

Write-up: Joe Cantales
Leader: Joe Cantales
Co-Leader: Bobbie Scarpino

Today’s weather was 72 degrees, no bugs and an occasional breeze. Six of us started at Mapledale, made a pit stop at Bill’s bathroom in Eagle Bay, and then on to Castle Rock parking lot. When we got to the trailhead, we were able to grab the last few parking spots. There were license plates from just about every state in New England. After signing the register, we walked down the dirt road and there is a sign that says Private Road – No Motor Vehicles. Continue to walk down this road as there is an easement that leads to the trailhead.  As we headed up the trail, we headed left over the bridge. A short way in, you encounter a junction in the trail that leads to Blue Mountain Lake.

We continued on to Castle Rock. We encountered a variety of hikers, several did not have face coverings. As we got close to the summit, we passed the cave and two Tramps went into the cave…

From this point you encounter the steepest part of the hike. Once at the summit, the view is outstanding. We stopped to take pictures and to enjoy the view.

As we started our descent, we encountered a family of four with a four year old and a three week old baby. This was the baby’s first hike. On our return trip, we decided we would do the loop and take a break for lunch along the trail. Shortly thereafter, we completed the hike and headed home. It was a perfect day for a hike, and we all seemed to enjoy it. Viva Las Vegas Tramp and Trail club.



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