July 25, 2020
7011 – Kunjamuk/Elm Lake
July 25, 2020
Write Up: Paul Sirtoli
Leader: Paul Sirtoli
Co-Leader: Tom O’Hara

Twist and turn, up and over, best describes the Kunjamuk River as it snakes through forest and primal wet lands from Lake Pleasant to Elm Lake. Eight members from both the tramps and the Adirondack Mt. Club navigated through breached beaver dams, or dams 2-3 feet high.

A steady breeze kept the bugs at bay on an otherwise warm, sunny day. Despite recent heavy rains, the water level was somewhat low in our approach to Elm Lake , as evidenced by relatively thick mats of river grass in the channel. The shoreline of Elm Lake is comprised mostly of lily pads and pickerel weed.

More photos found here.