6995 North Lake
June 7, 2020

6995 North Lake
June 7, 2020

Write-up: Jim Wasielewski and Mary Pat (below)
Leader: Jim Wasielewski
Co-Leader: Lorrie Wasielewski

Jim W.
Kayaked yesterday 6 miles with a group of 10, in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 202.33. Windy, buggy and sunny. Saw an eagle and 2 loons. Masks and social distancing. a new normal for now.

Mary Pat
This was our first official hike back after NY on Pause. We have entered Phase 2 of opening the economy and have therefore started back to the usual hike schedule.
As virtually everywhere in the US, there have been some changes for us. Pre-registration is necessary so that hike leaders can keep the numbers to their liking. We are grateful for Jim and Lorrie and other hike leaders continuing during this uncertain time. Hike leaders are signing the clipboard for everyone, to avoid a group congregating and touching the same items.
This all being said, it was wonderful to get out on the water and to see friends. Sun was in and out, cool enough for cover-ups, but it was a great step toward normal.
A few of us stood near our cars at the Buffalo Head, and had drinks, toasting from afar. Not the same as our usual apres-hike activity, but it’ll do.

I took a second group out again on North Lake the following Tuesday. Some members had been shut out of Sunday’s paddle, so thought a “Part II” would pick up their spirits. Sorry Jim and Lorrie, but we had a PERFECT day.

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