Q News – April 25, 2020
Big Bad Luck Lake & Lost Creek

Q News – April 25, 2020
Big Bad Luck Lake & Lost Creek

Mandy and Sharon hiked 7.5 miles on a beautiful sunny day to Ross, Big Bad Luck & Whortberry Ponds. The trail starts out on the OK Slip Falls trail.  When we got to the parking area there were about 20 cars.  We were hoping that most of them would be going to OK Slip and we would be isolated.  We were right, we had the whole pond to ourselves.  We saw a couple of piles of moose poop near Ross but didn’t see any moose.  We had a peaceful lunch at Big Bad Luck where the water was so clear I was able to take the picture of the newt right through the water while he was swimming.  We made a trip to Whortberry before making our way out.   Sharon K.

Big Bad Luck Lake
Big Bad Luck Pond
Clear enough to see a newt.
Ross Lake

Lost Creek

A few of us hiked 15 miles to Lost Creek from the Partridgeville Rd parking area, stopping at the bridge at Big Otter Lake to take a couple of pics.  It was an incredible day on the trail, spotting no other soul.  The trail had us crossing a beaver pond and jumping rocks to traverse a deep, swift creek.
All in all, a gorgeous day.   Greg S.


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