Q News – April 17, 2020
Deerfield Wilderness Park

Q News – April 17, 2020
Deerfield Wilderness Park

Bobbie, Russ and Dianna decided to venture on the Deerfield Wilderness Trails on a cooler, slightly snowy morning.  We were happy to get off the rim trail and down into the woods where we were sheltered somewhat from the morning winds. There wasn’t a lot of snow, but there was enough that we enjoyed being silly and making strange footprints on a few of the bridges crossing the creek.

Bobbie had us add on some more distance when she realized she had lost her handkerchief somewhere along the trail so we back tracked until we found it. Russ picked it up with a 6 ft long stick, passed it to my 10 ft long stick and I passed it on to Bobbie – but, oops – I dropped it into the mud right before Bobbie was able to grab it! The silly things we do to avoid touching another person’s used handkerchief and at the same time maintain our social distance!

By the time we got back up to the upper trail, it had warmed up and the wind was no longer a chilling influence so we finished up by walking the upper loop back to our cars.

Total distance was 4.4 miles.

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