5th Annual Camp Fowler Weekend 6606 Sacandaga Lake and 6608 – Kunjamuk Trail February 17 – 19, 2017
Write-up: Bobbie Scarpino
Leader: Bobbie Scarpino
Co-Leader: Mike Huss
29 Tramps descended upon Camp Fowler to participate in this favorite club weekend of xc skiing and snowshoeing in Speculator. Our group filled the main Chi Rho Lodge and overflowed into the two prayer cabins on the campus.
Tom Smith and Dick Blanchard ended up sharing one of the cabins and beginning Friday night, the fun began with a posting and ultimately a reading of the “rules” for co-habitating in the prayer cabins by Sir Tom. Among a few were: “No pretending to sleepwalk,” “No spooning,” and “at no time was the Prayer Cabin to be referred to as the “Love Shack!”
Some tomfoolery was also taking place among a few residents of the Lodge. A bed was short-sheeted, which resulted in another room having its bed dismantled, toilet , light switches, and slippers duct taped (with very pretty red, white, and blue tape – Tramps come prepared!), and unfamiliar ladies’ garments left behind!
Saturday dawned sunny with blue skies and a morning outside temperature of 10 degrees. A frozen Sacandaga Lake was calling us to ski and snowshoe, so off we went with the skiers in search of the Fawn Lake Trail on the west side of the lake. Some of the group visited the ice fisherman out on the lake who assured us that the ice was 20 inches thick. After an hour and 15 minute crossing, the trail was found but not attempted. We didn’t want to miss lunch and there were just too many snowmobilers on the trail to ski safely. In fact we encountered 3 said snowmobilers coming off the trail and onto the lake. Our Tramp sexy women caused one of the drivers to become distracted and didn’t notice that his fellow driver had slowed to get a better look at us. (At least that was their story!) We watched as he hit and went over the top of the machine in front of him. Thankfully both drivers were safe and only had minimal damage to their sleds. By the time we returned back to camp many of us were down to one layer because the outside temperature had risen to more than 40 degrees!
After a delicious lunch prepared by our new chef, Jordan, we broke up into a number of different groups to set out on various adventures. Don, Madonna, Tom, and Norma took off to ski the Foxy Brown Trail at Piseco Airport. They were greeted with deep snow and had to break trail until they met other skiers about half way coming from the other direction. Both groups were thankful that the trail back had been broken for them. The last part of their ski was across the runway of the airport through deep slush and water, which resulted in water logged boots.
Carolyn, Diana, Jerry, Lori, Sharon, Nancy, Joan, and Bobbie chose to drive to Watch Hill, about 15 miles north of Speculator. It has breathtaking views of Indian Lake, and Snowy Mountain with its fire tower.

On the way down, Carolyn, Diana, Jerry and Lori took turns butt sliding on a couple of sleds they had brought along on their packs. Bess and Barb snowshoed part of the Oak Mountain trail and everyone else enjoyed the many trails on the Camp Fowler premises.
Saturday night was clear with all the constellations in view. Jeannie Wolcott treated us all to the launching of a sky lantern. A large group gathered in front of the lodge to watch it being lit, take to the air all aglow, and drift off in the direction of Lake Pleasant. Each evening there were pitch games, cribbage, and shuffleboard for entertainment. When that wasn’t enough fun, monkeys were found jumping on a bed of another monkey who had retired early for the evening.
There was no end to the shenanigans. Even Dianna Morris got in on them . . . yes, our sweet Dianna who moved to North Carolina! Before breakfast on Saturday morning, Dick was interrogating each person about the possibility that they may have packed a needle and thread. Nope – not one person had brought any. Then at breakfast Dick relayed how he had tried to put on his pajama bottoms Friday night only to find that his legs would not go through. It seems that the bottom of the legs had been stitched. Since they were new, Dick blamed the foreign country seamstresses for their mistake. A note from Dianna was found on his pillow. Rather confusing since she was 500 miles away. It read something like “Couldn’t resist myself!” The next morning Dick finally began to put 2 and 2 together when he tried to put on his underwear. Pair # 1 – the top was stitched. Pair # 2 – same. Pair # 3 and his last pair – Ahh, the top was open . . . but the leg openings were stitched! Even his pair of socks were stitched to each other! Dianna got Dick one more year even from afar (with the help of Lu)!
Meg Higgerson brought a few people up from Mapledale to join us for our Sunday hike on the Kunjamuk Trail in Speculator. It was already balmy when 21 of us started out on a very deteriorated trail. Skiing was not an option. Most walked and some snowshoed the 5 mile trail. The skies were a bright blue and the scenery beautiful.
The weekend was topped off with a stop at the Oxbow Inn to quench our thirst and enjoy a satisfying lunch. Thanks to all of you who made this an amazing weekend! Let’s do it all over again next year – same time, same place!
Oh by the way Tom and Dick, I sure hope the next people that stayed in your cabin didn’t eat those Oreos you left behind!!!
Participants: Nancy Agen, Bess Bessey, Dick Blanchard, Kathleen Browne, Carolyn Canary, Kathy Countryman, Mark and Margaret Decker, Carolyn Eastman, Joan Egan, Don and Madonna Fellows, Diana Henry, Janice Huss, Sharon Kaelin, Steve and Dottie Kalies, Barb Kassel, Cindy McCormack, Francis Roy, Tom Smith, Jerry Stewart, John and Maureen Tomasik, Norma Vleer, Lori Waterman, Jeannie Wolcott.